Earlier this year
said as we were going to experience a difficult first half, but in the second would have already some recovery. And expectations are being met. It is a fact that GDP is improving and that in 2014, according to analysts, could have and growth. As for TV advertising in the first quarter fell 15 percent, in the second 10 percent, and in the third, but still unknown Infoadex data, there was a much smaller decline, below 5 percent.
And when can grow back?
The good news is that precisely that in September has stopped falling. We have hit bottom and, although very small, is beginning to grow. And our expectation is that in the remainder of the year to maintain the trend.
is a symptom of economic improvement …Yes
Divest always starts a little earlier when we face a crisis, so it anticipates but also occurs in reverse. Recovery also expected to arrive before the crisis and is running. If the forecasts are met and Spain manages to create employment with a GDP growth of 2 percent or below, keep TV advertising growth. While some things remain outstanding, the Government has done their homework and, internationally, from outside Spain sees more optimism. And companies also have been reorganized and are stronger.
And also recovering advertising prices?Very little still, but it is true who is recovering. In the last five years, prices have fallen 50 percent. Now, is recovering the value of television. It is a means not only losing ground, but also is consolidating.
Even against Internet?Internet is not a medium of communication, is a platform for the dissemination of content. It is a way to distribute television signal which is strengthening. Social networks also allow people to participate and fed it to television.
What strategy plan to continue in this direction in the coming months?We are investing more in Internet and in the same line too, are forming to sell advertising platforms online of different publishers both in Spain and abroad. And we are also finalizing another initiative with the aim of strengthening our relationship with the media and advertising agencies, creating added value. We want to develop a new way of communicating, that is no longer medium to medium.
Are then also studying opportunities abroad?‘re studying, especially on the Internet, how to strengthen the business. This initiative discussed above allow us to enter such areas which so far have never played, as the organization of events or selling products merchandising for our customers. In short, we are working in two directions: to improve our position on the Internet and create more value.
And that growth forecasts are for Publiespaña and Mediaset as a whole?Well, end up at year-end leaders in turnover. Mediaset will end the year as a leader by audience and income. During the summer it dropped something the audience had to adjust the cost, but since September 16 have re-released a grill very strong, with products like The Voice, which is a great success.
And for 2014?trust that may have a slight growth of advertising, but we have also invested heavily to have the global basketball, football in Brazil, motorcycling, League matches … Aided by better economic situation, continue to lead the market. It is important that we keep winning money, but above all, that we have no debt. It’s a great opportunity.
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