(AOF) – M6 has reported this morning to be the only one broadcasting group in history to have seen its audience grow in 2016 to the public as a whole (14.1% audience share, up 0.5 points). Chain amirale of the group, M6 has recorded an increase of 0.3 percentage point of its hearing on the public as a whole 10.2%. In an interview this morning at the Echos, the president of the management Board of the group, Nicolas de Tavernost, said target 10% to 2017, the year of the 30 years of the chain.
If he is cautious as to the projections of the advertising market for this year, Nicolas de Tavernost believes that it should “appreciate”, noting that advertisers important come back on television for their advertising, after “having been very much disappointed on the digital”.
in addition, the boss of the M6 group, which announced in December the purchase of the business the group’s French radio RTL (RTL, RTL2 and Fun Radio), told the business daily that it would accelerate its diversification into the digital. M6 has acquired quick iGraal and Golden Mustache a few weeks ago. Today, Nicolas de Tavernost announced the creation of the Golden Network, “a studio production destination of the Millenials”.
“It will allow us to create new channels YouTube, in particular, in the info, and for the women. At the same time, we are going to develop, thanks to him, the “brand content” and the emergence of new formats tv from talent to the web”, explains the chairman of the management Board of the M6 Group in the Echos.
French west AFRICA – FIND out MORE
The strong points of the value
- broadcasting Group, whose revenues are equally distributed among the general-interest channels (M6, 2nd French channel, W9, 6Ter and Paris Première) , channels (Téva, M Music, Girondis, Sérieclub…) and audiovisual rights ;
- Growth driven by the rise in power of the channels and the reinforcement in the TNT (W9, Paris Premiere, Teva, M6 Music, 6Ter,…) that are devoted to priority investments ;
- Increase audience share free to air channels, now at almost 20 %
- Capacity of reaction to the decline of the advertising market, via price increases and their sources –remote sales and production & media rights, for more than 1/3 of the turnover ;
- sound financial Structure allowing a distribution generous to shareholders.
The weak points of the value
– tv Market is increasingly fragmented and limited visibility on the advertising market ;
- Risk related to the offensive of SFR in the media (BFM, Express, NextRadioTV, tv series Italian Medicis) to its subscribers-fixed and mobile ;
- Refusal of the CSA to permit the passage to a free chain of the First Paris and uncertainty about its continuance, pending the judgment of the State Council ;
- recurrent Losses of the football club of the Girondins de Bordeaux ;
- Absence of the international.
How to follow the value ?
- cyclical Industry dependent on the advertising market in French ;
- the Tendency given by the barometers of audience measurement (type Médiamétrie) ;
- Maintenance of the speculation about an easing of the anti-concentration regulation in the media ;
- audiovisual world in deep mutation : the growing importance of the Internet, fragmentation of audiences with TNT, the rise of VOD (video on demand), in the connected TV market and entry of new players – Apple TV, Google TV, and more recently, Molotov ;
- Strategy based on the consolidation of hearings and of the units of the advertising market, the strengthening of the activities of production and adaptation to new uses of the public in the catch-up tv ;
- Impact of the launch, in early 2016, the advertising platform programmatic M6Exchange, offering access to the campaigns, “cross-media” on all the digital media ;
- a Subsidiary of RTL Group (48.4 per cent of the share capital, 34 % of the voting rights) not ripe for a takeover bid, the French State limiting to 49 % the maximum share that can be owned by a single shareholder.
Communication Media
According to the Irep (Institute of research and advertising research), in the third quarter, the media, historical (excluding Internet and mobile) have recorded a reduction of 1.7% of their revenues from advertising. In the first nine months of the year, the decrease amounted to 0.9%, at 6,058 billion euros, compared with 6,115 billion a year earlier. However, the Irep estimates that the decline is less pronounced than in previous years because it is these advertising revenues were down 5.9% in 2013, 2.9% in 2014 and 2.3% in 2015. More developments are contrasted among the media : the progress is 6% over nine months to film and 4.8% for the external communication. The decline of the revenue of the press is diminishing, with a decline of 5.6% in the third quarter, compared with a decline of 7.1% in the first quarter. The tv has, it suffered a decrease of 2%. Some actors are parades to compensate for the decline of these revenues. Thus, the “brand content” (” content marks “) is in full swing for the past three years, in the media. For the group, Marie Claire, these new revenues can represent up to 30% of the advertising revenues in the digital of some of the titles. Some have even stopped advertising classic to do that in the “brand content” (and the like).

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