Steve Jobs led on a false trail, and as well as all of the guests followed him. He announced three new devices. A iPod music player with touch-sensitive Display, a new phone, and finally, an Internet communication device. Obediently, the audience at the Macworld trade show in San Francisco applauded, on the traditionally, the news from Cupertino debut. After a long applause, the resolution of the puzzle finally came: “There are three separate devices, this is a single product, and we are calling it iPhone.” That was on 9. January 2007, the birth of the first iPhone.
Apple did not invent the Smartphone, but the iPhone was a milestone. Since 2007, have been sold all over the world more than a billion devices. It is considered the Smartphone par excellence, as a reference, to which all others are measured. Whether it is the best device. But it is the most important of its genus, and for about two-thirds of Apple sales.
The Californians have shaken up their first Smartphone to the market as a whole mess. Long-established market leaders such as Nokia, Blackberry and Motorola were history, and all the competitors that wanted to now, have copied Apple’s ideas. Each currently available device, with what operating system it runs, is heavily influenced by the iPhone.
The Nokia 9500 Communicator Tri-Band and W-Lan. © action press photo gallery
When Steve Jobs ten years ago, the first iPhone introduced, he brought up the Problem of the existing products to the point: Mini-keyboard and pen in conjunction with a small Display, only provided rudimentary comfort. That was the Crux of a technique that it had been a long time since the mid-1990s. What are Internet enthusiastic fascinated and drive, especially the mobile E-Mail: on the ground in his electronic Inbox to see was the dream. The Communicator was significant, since 1996, of Nokia-made reference device for such applications; thanks to its folding mechanism, it looked like a Mini-Notebook.
The smartphone fought on many fronts: It is used in liquid crystal Displays with low resolution in black and white. There was no packet-switched data networks in mobile communications as we know it today, but you chose to have an Online session line a bound. Slowly, the data flowed into the phone, expensive. First protocols for the mobile Internet showed the content of the World Wide Web only in rudimentary Form, and in Multimedia, it was thought hardly.
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The main problem of the Smartphones before 2007, however, was the operating system. Companies such as Nokia saw its core competence in the manufacture of the phones in its own factories. The Hardware version over the Software. They dragged old developments, many quirks were only be explained historically. With a Nokia and its Symbian operating system, you could not change in 2007 and seamlessly by the local W-Lan to the mobile data network. You had to manually define access points, and depending on the location of switch from one to another. A Symbian-running Smartphone from Sony Ericsson it was here, in “technology and Motor”: “It is totally verbastelt, inconsistent, cumbersome to use and slow.” The handling changed when you opened the flap on the Display or the castle, the menu buttons were on different areas of the display, a system that lacked independent logic.

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