Monday, April 28, 2014

Television “pinball” – The World


by Alberto Rey


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Telecinco is like a pinball. The contents enter it ( after putting a penny in the machine) and start bouncing like crazy from program to program until someone forgets to ignore them and fall through the hole. If you enter a ball-new content, as we are more aware of it, the other not-so-new one forgets. And the hole to be. Now is Rubén Cortada to and fro , rebounding and generating share. Tomorrow is another.

is a system that I’ve thought out a few times and yet still there, making the chain the country live television, like it or not . A model that is also economically very effective. One who “employs”, “creates wealth” and all those arguments that many of the critics are raving about the company.

Telecinco can boast (although some prefer a moralistic “ashamed”) have changed the way we do and consume television in Spain. Both fiction and nonfiction. That things are (they) have gone mother is another matter. And above is debatable. What it is not is that many people in this country went from turning on the TV by pressing the one to do it by pressing five. And now that’s a sociological, not Big Brother.

Mediaset But also, after some major gaffes in the field of the series, has reacted producing and issuing ‘The Prince’ is not ‘Damages’ (far from it) but is light years ahead of the classic product-family-professional offering leading oide fiction for years. Not a bad series. Or not bad at all. The title of “chain of series” that worked so hard to get Antena 3, a little danger. And that’s good, because it means that things move. Whereas he should really move that that be left Spanish TV bullshit and apostase by the fiction of a logical and orderly manner. Why I want to spend my taxes, not pay football that, to my knowledge, have no supply-demand problems (if not issued TVE someone issue, so do not worry) nor protect cultural property. TVE in the background does not deserve to series as ‘Elizabeth’ or ‘The Mysteries of Laura’, which both abused , have given them a more than decent results. We also deserve a TVE aimless. But that’s another story.

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