Thursday, July 3, 2014

Viewers ‘ghost’ TV – The World


. And there are millions. They are all over the Spanish geography. But they are invisbles. They are the ghost of television viewers. You may be one of them and does not know. If you have seen a football match in a pub or a city square in their second home or is recorded for later viewing, it is. These modes of watching TV are the black holes measurement of hearing, their imminent challenges. The Spain-Chile World was the most watched June to 13.2 million viewers. Do many, few? Of course, not everyone who saw it. Are the viewing figures real? It’s the eternal question every time there is a big football event like the World Cup in Brazil.

Measuring hearing in Spain, with a fleet of 4,625 households audímetros , is based on consumption within the household and private enterprise takes Kantar Media. 12,000 people decide what we see, so the decision a panelist equals approximately 3,600 . If put in a home seven people, account for more than 25,000 spectators.

The current model leaves out the rest of consumption, which is becoming more important. “It the least bad of the measurements and the best measurement of home main” reflects a senior manager of a private chain prefers to remain anonymous. “We have the best measurement we have all developed, which does not mean that it is improved and for that we are all involved industry representatives,” said Begoña Gómez, technical director of the Spanish Association of Advertisers (Aea), which is party committee and members of the supervisory board of Kantar Media. “It’s a pretty reliable system .’s True that has imperfections (like any sign, and one that measures many chains), but in no case can we speak of a demand system or cooked.’s A solid and permanently audited system , “says Javier Lopez, manager of analysis consultancy Barlovento Comunicación hearings.

” Kantar Media should adapt faster to the new era audiovisual , giving an integrated digital multi consumption and response. would be interesting not to limit the measurement to the main home consumption, including consumption of the guests, as well as deferred consumption “reels audiences analyst a DTT channel.

 people meter installed in a home

audímetro installed in a home

” New habits become audience measurement in Spain in outdated “ditch an analysis expert, who has worked with several major chains. “ Should rethink long a new formula, but it has been very conservative . At the time it was an efficient system, but we must go a step further. Advertiser seen putting their investment money is not profitable. ” Gomez, of Aea, complete. “We need more tools than ever to help us gauge the evolution of our industry and succeed in our goals need data that can be analyzed and what can not be measured not There “.

This audience measurement is crucial in ad spending. A more audience, more money, which is distributed according share . “ Measurement is an act of faith, believe it because someone presses a button, but that someone is really And what about the people of the bars?” Observed from a major agency media that moves millions of euros a year in TV advertising and for this reason prefers to remain anonymous. “It is the perversity of the model, but of course we do not know the other. The sample is representative, but is frankly insufficient to extrapolate data.” This newspaper tried to contact Kantar, but got no response.

The explosion of channels DTT sector divided about whether this has damaged the credibility measurement Kantar. Sources say 13TV stark:. “We do not agree with the measurement That a television with 10 hours of live and own production and the reputation that you have can not be less audience series multicast channels and programs.” This chain of DTT, appreciates all possible avenues if “viewing figures still do not respond to reality,” . “In Madrid, where we have actual data from other studies, the audience gives Kantar is three times lower than that assigned us”

From 13TV added. “Data from Kantar possible that We kick the duopoly advertising market . A generalist television is always ahead of thematic television channels worldwide except mysteriously in Spain. ” “ Not think there’s benefit to the two large groups (Mediaset, Atresmedia). Simply hold more advertising investment and therefore more financial muscle to devote to content, and thus attract audience,” in contrast Javier Lopez, Windward. “Yes you could say that measuring benefits both large chains,” says the expert hearings on condition of anonymity. As seen, the industry is divided, with opposing positions.

“The explosion of channels of DTT is not the problem,” says the executive of a private channel. “Although the representative sample is not bad, with over 12,000 homes and 4.00, small chains of DTT stops go wrong with this measurement. Figures In small margin of error shoots up to 60-70% . audience measurement in Spain does not present a clear picture . gives a trend. stat is not accurate, as there is a margin of error. should be making good use of the data, because there is a tyranny and abuse. Be careful, “contrasts Idoia Portilla, Professor of Marketing Research and Hearings in the School of Communication at the University of Navarra. “It’s a situation that was seen coming for some time. But the fault is not only Kantar, is all. Industry has done nothing ,” adds the expert mentioned in the analysis.

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