Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Pay TV – eldiario.es

Not the first time I write ETB television we paid the Basques and thanks to our money never has debt. Basque Government Budgets allocated over 125 million a year to cover the EITB. It is a considerable figure in these times can serve for many things. It is true that ETB maintains many jobs, but the fact remains that the cost is high. Let it be clear that I am not against the public media and I think that in a land like Euskadi must be a public television, but more austere and responsible.

I think the main effect ETB is to have a public television station in Basque, since there is no other and that the Basque population and the promotion of Basque deserve. Euskadi has two languages ​​and the two must exist and be protected because they are our roads. What I do not quite understand is why we do not know if four or five (with the emergence of ETB 4), channels with very, very little audience. I think in these times not spare public money and would have to concentrate resources.

I will not go today in the important debate of the plurality of public television or in their role as spokespersons of governmental power shift. It is a widespread evil in Spain and the Basque Country, as always, is no exception. The public rarely teles do their work of neutrality.

It is unfortunate, but true.

Is It worth making a great display as was done in Navarra, with expensive direct and disconnections, for the announcement of the president of this community not to run for reelection

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Prefer wonder about the proper use of public funds on the scope. ETB is the public television of the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country and we pay here we live and heads, very expensive, about 55 euros per person, not taxpayers, it would be more. In addition to the proliferation of channels, I wonder the meaning of some coverages that match particular political interests rather than the collective. Is it worth doing a great display as was done in Navarra, with expensive direct and disconnections, for the announcement of the president of this community not to run for reelection? We must break the news but is not news; is that of a neighboring community by close friend it and with which there is no issue resolution.

Maybe I’m naive but request no longer plurality is impossible, but sanity in management. We can not grant as a necessary evil the squandering public money on a TV with little audience when we cut the welfare state in health, education and social assistance. I think we should have clear priorities and television for me is secondary. Please consistent, efficient and not squandered on TV.


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