Saturday, July 4, 2015

City Tour on tour traveled to Italy to land on broadcast television – LaTercera (Record)

Architecture of terror where giant houses of La Dehesa were the protagonists called the section Federico Sanchez was resurrected version Comparini Marcelo Plaza Italia that led in 2003 to the channel screen 13C.

That said whatever he wanted without fear of La Dehesa, the animator always seemed comical, and gradually realized that Sanchez was “painted for the TV.” As the chapters progressed Plaza Italia, it gave more airtime and ended by proposing to its own program.

“I suggested that we make a program but he said he had no idea how encouraged and it did not look speaking directly to a camera. That’s when I told him I was with him, but behind the camera. Liked the idea and so did the driver City tour, “explains Comparini.

They’ve been six seasons on the air in the space 13C shows the architecture and local heritage. They left recorded exclusively in Santiago, but then came to regions, and even crossed the border and landed in Buenos Aires, Paris and Germany. And from next week, we will see in several cities in Italy, where they recorded the entire first season on tour City tour, the program broadcast from Channel 13 on Saturday 11 at 23.15.

“Before we had already proposed move to the broadcast television, but we do not TINCO us because it was issued the same chapters on both channels. This time, however, the proposal was different and more concrete, “he says Comparini adding,” We continue with the program on the cable, which is where our heart is, and what will be in the 13 beginning next week is a different program. That’s why we also put another name “.

However, both say that the essence is the same. “In this program there is never a plan or script to follow, no anxiety. Places that show not choose in advance, just arrived. “Says Sanchez. Comparini supports his words stating that “here there is nothing very thought or produced. Sometimes we’re on our way to a place on the trip and we were stuck with one thing that we saw and we stopped there and recorded the chapter. ”

You start the prayer, and the other ends. This is true, they say, because they know too well known and because they complement each other perfectly in these years on the air. Ensure that their respective roles in City tour have nothing to do with each other. “The beautiful thing about this relationship is that Marcelo represents the mediation between people who are at home and me. He is the mediator between ordinary people and the culture and knowledge. All that fome thing that comes of learning is exorcised by the pop culture that places Comparini “says Sanchez. For the animator, meanwhile, “there are many things mentioned Federico and I have not the foggiest idea what they’re talking about. People enjoy the relationship that exists between us. ”

In addition to the dozens of anecdotes that they come to mind to do a quick review of these years on the air, both make an honorable mention for all those people who have appeared in several chapters that so Spontaneous have helped the dynamics of the program. “I think we have a huge luck. As we always do the program without planning, we can find many barriers, but there is always someone who helps us with some data or let us to places that supposedly can not enter, “argues Comparini.

City tour on tour, they say like a cross absolutely public, brings newness “that was not” the end of each issue. “We laughed too doing the program and often have to cut some images because neither understood what we say while laughing. Now, people see all the stupid things we say, “we conclude Sánchez.


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