Thursday, November 26, 2015

5 reasons why the millennials do not watch television – Forbes Mexico

For months, the two major television networks in Mexico face tough scenarios in their financial strategies. What is happening?

Moody’s lowered the rating of the shares of Televisa from stable to negative due to the problems faced in changing prices on its inventory of advertising, negative cash flow until at least 2018 and risks of use of cash in acquisitions and mergers, explains the ratings. In turn, TV Azteca reported losses for just over 800 million pesos in the third quarter of 2015.

Given this scenario, the television began a series of changes in its programming, including both the air out of certain shows (some iconic) and the restructuring of others. Low ratings and thus low levels of marketing is what can be intuited. While there have been no official statements, it is a fact that this speaks of the need to win back audiences.

Perhaps the reason for all this is that, gradually, the millennials stop watching television and looking for new alternatives to consume media. Here are five reasons why young people stop watching TV and instead turn on the second screen.

  1. They want everything and they want it now
    For millennials no schedules. Wait until you start a program or turn on the TV to view the timing is something that is not on their agenda. What we want is that the contents are always available at all times and when they want to see them as often as they wish.
    In some ways have become content curators for themselves and their circle. They decide what to see and do not rely on a programmer who tell them what to do. Therefore, consumption on demand represents a blow to the television. Streaming services like Netflix or social platforms like YouTube are the main competition.
  2. Diversity and specific tastes
    There is no way that any broadcaster can compete in diversity of content against the web. The tastes are broad, diversified and overly specific. It is true that broadcasters have the infrastructure, experience and a more professional production; however, such features have been replaced in internet creativity and freshness.
    addition, the content is highly specialized and is aimed at small niche, not mass audiences, allowing for a much greater degree of identification and, therefore, the brand loyalty is very high. At present, the rating points not say anything, because the end of the large audiences is close.
  3. The millennials
    strong> According to AMIPCI, 7 out of 10 internet connections in Mexico are mobile, which directly affects the nature and form of content. Short videos, a lot of social interaction and content created especially for web, and not adapted from other platforms, are the most commonly abused by millennials who usually watch most content through mobile devices.
  4. Son
    Watch a TV show is boring. Interact with content across different platforms, ranging from videos on social networks, digital comics go through and reach applications and games, now that’s fun for a millennial. Requiring narrative content in digital media is much broader and richer than do traditional media.
    transmedia storytelling is the way the content on the network is built, They are shared and consumed. Something very difficult for traditional media, as they are only used to create content on a platform (their own) and to a much less demanding public.
    According to comScore , the video consumption in Spain grew by 68% over the previous year, showing a clear interest in content on these platforms.
  5. The new leaders of opinion
    It is surprising that a viner as Mario Bautista could fill an entertainment center throughout the Republic, considering that Vine is a social network where you can upload videos with a maximum of 6 seconds duration. For our generation, 6 seconds is nothing; for millennials, there is time to tell a story. And that’s how
    born new leaders, who come from social networks, creating irreverent, cool and away from traditional forms of media content. For millennials is much more convincing Chumel Torres and the Republic Pulse virtually any traditional news media. The concept of The Boy Next Door that becomes famous through digital platforms takes a lot of sense in this generation; It’s no longer about the big stars produced by a media conglomerate, but a boy with his tablet in the bedroom of the house.

The traditional media are facing a problem facing the audience and the type of content you have, while making efforts to renew or seek new formulas that again caught the attention of a public that has found on digital platforms not only an unstoppable avalanche of content, but the ability to create and enjoy according to their own tastes and needs


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The opinions expressed are those of the authors and are completely independent of the position and the editorial line of Mexico Forbes .


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