Sunday, November 22, 2015

Five programs that marked a before and after in the … –



 Videomatc, Chiquititas, Gasoleros, PNP and Great brother
Videomatc, Chiquititas, Gasoleros, PNP and Big Brother Credit:

Fictions, cycles of mood or realities, there are programs that will undoubtedly not gone unnoticed in Argentina and left their TV mark. Many marked a before and an after in the way not only to produce but also in the way of watching TV.

Then Five TV programs of the last 25 years that made history in the middle. Would you add another? What do you most remember from these cycles?

Gasoleros (1998)

The novel produced by Pol-ka was one of the first so-called “folkloric strips” of the last time. The story showed real and common problems of real and ordinary people, as it could be any viewer.

The emergence of these fictions moved for a time to the classic prime time soap opera that tells the story of love between the girl poor and the rich guy and vice versa, creating a new identification in the public, this time looking and not by wishes and desires.

Gasoleros reflected everyday family conflicts, the Once highlighted area codes and values ​​of friendship, without neglecting the love story, this time between a mechanic and a woman who ran a taxi. Panigazzi (John Leyrado) and Roxy (Mercedes Moran)

A strip, was followed by others such as Champions of Life, Good Neighbours and The soda vender of my life , among others.

Forgive Our Sins / PNP (1994 to 2002)

The cycle driven by Raul Portal and Federica Pais in the first stage and then by Mariana Fabbiani was one of the first so-called “program file TV”, which generated controversy and criticism, because for many, the program generated or produced new content, but worth the work of others.

Made by GP, the producer of Gaston and Raul Portal, she showed humor curiosities, contradictions and errors of television, through sections as “bolufrases” or “the game error”.

With modifications and different tones, the format of “program file” resulted in immense cycles as TVR, Citric eye, Ran 15 Zapping, Tv or Blessed plan.

Big Brother (2001 to 2015)

The Dutch format arrived in the country in 2001 and so far had nine editions (one in the “famous” version) and caused a stir because if it had been other realities as Expedition Robinson, this was something completely innovative. for the first time could “spy” the lives of people for 24 hours straight and in vivo

This mix of competition with experiment in which a dozen strangers is locked to live was quickly accepted by the audience immediately began to side with one or another participant.

Also in 2001 The Bar hit the screen of America, a reality with similar characteristics, where participants attending a bar and later Channel 9, then Blue Television, issued Reality Reality , composed of actors.

Then he began to call “reality” to all game shows like Dancing with the Stars, Singing for a dream, MasterChef, La Voz Argentina and Your face sounds , among others.

Chiquititas (1995 to 2001)

While there were strips aimed at the youth segment, it is indisputable that the creation of Cris Morena marked a before and an after, proliferating this kind of programs and giving great importance.

Over the years the novel was reinventing and changing its cast. Moreover, it was an event in the theater seasons winter holiday.

the hotbed of Cris Morena left tens of actors now known by all as Lali Esposito, Peter Lanzani, Eugenia Suarez, Agustina Cherri, Gaston Soffritti, among others.

Videomatch (1990)

Long before becoming Showmatch the cycle led by Marcelo Tinelli was broadcast at midnight and was dedicated to sports. Later, when there was no Youtube or digital cameras came the bloopers, humor and hidden cameras with mega productions.

From the beginning until today, Dancing with the Stars , set the trend and the cycle was a great school for comedians like Campi, Yayo, Fredy Villarreal, Sergio Gonal, Pablo Granados, Pachu, Diego Perez and Pichu Straneo, and others.

Sketchs and Sports in the memory, the Top Forry, Pepe breaks, the unbearable, the Confused, The Jaimitos, Noti Pip, FIGURETI addition to their hidden cameras and show the joke, remain in the memory.

What is for you the program that marked a before and after in the way of watching TV?



Nieves Otero








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