Sunday, April 5, 2015

Netanyahu pressed by another agreement on US television – Deutsche Welle Spanish

The Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, returned today (04/05/2015) reiterated his harsh criticism of Iran reached between the five powers with veto power at the UN over Germany on American television and called the agreement and agreement “a threat to the survival of Israel”. The prime minister, who spoke for several programs, said the framework agreement with Tehran does not block the way to the atomic bomb, but it paves. It is “an agreement very, very bad,” he said.

In turn, stressed that differences of opinion with the United States on this issue are not “a personal matter between him and President Barack Obama.” Specifically, Netanyahu told CNN yesterday, Friday held a “friendly” phone conversation than an hour.

Obama himself defended the deal on his weekly radio show that airs on Saturdays. This said, the key points to a final agreement. The details will be clarified by the end of June. Both Obama’s statements as Netanyahu are directed to the US Congress, where Tehran rooted distrust even among the ranks of Democrats. Numerous members of Congress who claim to participate in decision before the final agreement with Iran take effect.

So, Republican Bob Corker, who heads the foreign policy committee in the Senate, has called his guild April 14 to vote on a bill with Obama has to have the support of Congress for the final agreement. Meanwhile, the White House has threatened the president the right to veto any bill that torpedo a deal with Iran. Meanwhile, an influential Iranian MP warned that Iran could resume its nuclear program without restrictions if the West does not comply with the agreement of Lausanne. “In that case would urge our nuclear program with even more rapidly than in recent years,” said Alaeddin Boroujerdi today, chairman of foreign policy.


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