Tuesday, January 19, 2016

The two faces of television, Aquilino Jose Mata – Analítica.com

Among the many things left to do today -sumida Venezuelan television at its most unfortunate trance by imperatives of the economic crisis and, above all, the spring-restrictive law is to tell our story, past and recent, using This soap opera genres, miniseries and Unitarians. However, there are historical events that could occur to the small screen with no need for big budgets. It is absurd little creativity reduce national TV to a purely financial issue.

More and more are being left far years when television productions performed in which we looked at and we recognized as a country through its events large and small. Titles like Stephanie , Julius Caesar Marble soap opera set in the dictatorship of Perez Jimenez; and Owner version of The Count of Monte Cristo , by Alexandre Dumas, to which the great inventiveness of Jose Ignacio Cabrujas changed the male lead by a woman-embodied by Amanda Gutierrez suffered a gomecista inclement prison because of a revenge from a wealthy family and related to the regime, which so loves her away with his military son, are two of the most prominent examples of this stellar time.

The TV then gave us excellent miniseries, and Boves grouse version of the novel by Francisco Herrera Luque, adapted by Salvador Garmendia, and The murder of Delgado Chalbaud Gomez I and Gomez II , also Cabrujas. And how not remember the iconic Cycle Romulo Gallegos , with several stories of notable writer, who produced RCTV in the 80s? In this last series was particularly noticeable dwindling time , which met in a memorable duel interpretive, Doris Wells and Marina Baura, the two great ladies of the action at the time.

These are just some samples of the TV we lost and we must recover, whether on a smaller scale. not all be roses soap operas worst taste, like those that make up the current menu, and we have been losing international leadership as producers for excellence in this genre that went for almost three decades.

While in Venezuela telenovelas are in the doldrums, in Spain have opted for the romantic series with frames whose packaging is of a superlative level, as well as performances. Here reign titles like The time between seams (already completed) and the excellent Velvet , whose third season is about to begin via DIRECTV Plus. All this without forgetting the historical series, as Elizabeth and Carlos, King Emperor , and adventure, as The ministry of time and Red Eagle , all examples of creativity and talent, where we should look at ourselves. Why not adapt these formats to our reality?

In sense inversely proportional to what happens in our country, world TV live their golden age. The largest producers of television content (especially the United States), we receive through the channels through subscription services streaming via Internet, boast a menu as varied as alternative, unprecedented so far . TV XXI century has exceeded conventional formats to target a more adult audience, eager for entertainment best.

Of course there are also telebasura in significant proportions, but, in parallel, never there has been such an overwhelming offer focused on a more demanding public, that audience that among his topics of conversation stops cite enthusiastically to Game of Thrones , Transparent, House products of Cards, Mr. Robot, Orange Is the New Black and Homeland , to name some of the most popular series, fictions lined manicured complex characters and scripts full of ethical dilemmas, with the ambitious bill before the film was reserved. The most rewarding thing is that it seems here to stay.


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