the closures were carried out in the framework of the purge start after the failed coup of July 15.
ANKARA AFP Wed July 27 2016 17:26
The Turkish government closed 45 newspapers and 16 television stations, said Wednesday a senior official in the framework of the implementation purge after the failed coup of July 15.
In addition, three press agencies, 23 radio stations, 15 magazines and 29 editorial also were closed, announced the official gazette.
On the other hand hundred forty nine senior officers the Turkish armed forces were dismissed and more than 50 newspapers and television stations closed down as part of the purge after the failed coup of July 15, said Wednesday a senior government official.
“They were dismissed for their complicity in the attempted coup,” the source said, confirming a decree published in the official gazette, and said that it was 87 senior army officers, 30 of the 32 air force and navy.
The same decree provides for the dismissal of some 1,500 junior officers.
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