Every day there are more Mexican households have access to a TV service pay , which represents a challenge for companies that offer the service, to provide audiences packages attractive canals .
only in 2015 according to a report from the Competitive Intelligence Unit indicates that the sector grew more than 8 percent, and by the 2016 it is estimated that the 56 percent of households paid for a service of this kind, according to data from the Federal Telecommunications Institute (IFT).
the growth largely responds to the demands of audiences for more sementados content and the development of infrastructure and increased supply companies (more competition). These factors, combined with a wide deck of channels to offer positioned to television services restricted as a attractive platform for investment by advertisers.
But to keep them attractive to advertisers, must keep captive audiences, however, despite the offer of companies that offer the service has grown, it does not necessarily translate into a Mayos attracting viewers.
This by today viewers perform at least one other activity while watching TV. Data Research Department Merca2.0 reveal that 86.1 percent of people do, against just 13.9 that remains attentive to the screen.
This may be two factors, viewers not attracted enough programming or have the need for some other activity so they leave the television on as an environmental sound or company.
according to the study ‘ viewing habits in young adults ‘, 69 percent of respondents report using their smartphone while watching TV; this is now very common because many times people share on social networks situations they see on screen, example is the concluidos- -recently Rio 2016 Olympic Games, a football game or a new chapter in a series trending as the Walking Dead and Game of Thrones.
However, using the mobile phone is not all they do viewers, 21 percent report using your laptop, which is common in people who continue to carry out related work or homework activities.
However, the study had the participation of 1,743 people he referred other activities like listening to music (1.3 percent) or play on a console portable video games (0.9 percent)

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