Thursday, October 30, 2014

Fast television, not reality shows – The Newspaper

Wednesday, October 29, 2014 – 22.57 h

Now commented to a friend that moves the TV People jumping to fame for something he says or does, and others who do so need to change four dollars. The two cases are very different, but in the end the two arrive at the same place, in the eyes of the spectators.

The next day Jorge Javier Vazquez spoke with Risto Mejide in your program Four as the discerning jury of the TV wondering if you did trash TV , Vazquez was shielded saying the ‘Fast tv ‘, or what is the same Speed ​​TV . And if we think about it, the phrase does not make sense either, but I understand that as the thief who does not like being called a thug and prefers to be called looking lives, who makes trash TV does not like being called a dump.

Anyway, I do not understand where is the wrong in saying that this type of Journalism is exercised, if at the end of the day is what people see and so many die daily. We like to see on the screen everything that happens in our lives but never dare to aerate for fear of what they might say or think des abroad.

By the way, in a fit of these give me stale search songs in Network , I found ‘Gira La Noria “, a song by Pitovnis and to top it was used as a sync program Telecinco ‘La Noria’ and perfectly defines how this world where the count and brings benefits to give more details, the better you’re going to get. And there’s nothing wrong with that, it is an exchange of values, perhaps some immoral, but after all everything is values.

As in the song tell as the day of a person who chooses to live TV and go to her for work to survive. Who is this very itchy at the gates of the chains offering gossip awaiting that one can accept and carry out their tricks.

I understand that the people who see it as a real aberration, but eventually I think we will end up going through the thong effect at the beginning we all saw this piece as something excessive, but now the weird thing is wearing panties.

In fact, I think part of the fun of reality shows is based on decency to tell and listen, maybe if we gave all normally not surprise us as complicit in what and everything seemed too soft for our eyes and our ears.

And no actor offense, all these people sitting, naked and crying on television, play an interpretive role, have to measure the emphasis on every word, every look and be smart enough to make people stay with the song and never get unresolved questions or blanks that can pull that floor have to be, sometimes the truth in front and many others, with the truth behind or lost in falsehood and the desire to make easy money.

And as with all jobs, there is a risk, not return or be hated by all, when your only intention was to make money. At that point is when you have to decide whether to continue or stop this game. The glories of old television kicked there, but no, never, and that is very angry with the TV, turn down her back. I understand as a love hate relationship, where there is passion, aggression, but above all, a lot of interest.


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