Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Today marks 90 years of television – Blasting News

The TV meets 90 years since its inception. Members of the British Institution and a reporter attended the Scottish experiment John Logie Baird , a time when today is listed as the pillar of all terrestrial television.

As someone You could make some images Prendan movement? Happens January 26, 1926 in the attic of Logie. This mechanism operated on screens today have evolved and improved. This method is called at the time television was transmitted in white and red, then step to black and white and color today.

The Scottish presented his first show in public; It was a ventriloquist dummy and the person speaking. The image is presented somewhat blurred but that was not an impediment to the physical. This could transmit through the screens movements and expressions of a face. It was a definition of 28 lines and a frequency of 14 frames per second . The positive reviews about the new invention of Logie soon appeared.

When his discovery impress the world, it begins to strengthen its mechanical television. Formalized its invention by Baird Television Development Company and achievement year is transmission from Glasgow to London.

A year later, the engineer manages to make the first transoceanic transmission from London to New York. The mechanical television was used in the 20s and 30s until ten years He was later replaced by a more advanced giving way to clearer and higher quality images.

The invention is Baird, but the head of the first public transmission of the BBC. Three years after its appearance, the radio BBC takes issue at night time television signals experimentally. Eventually this was improving until, in 1936, to launch a program called ‘Here’s looking at you’ . It was an area of ​​varied content. The project was broadcast twice a day for ten days. To spend three months, the chain ripped a regular schedule: news, movies and shows It was progressing to the point today where television is present in homes around the world

Platforms like Google did not want to let this day be any one and by a static doodle representing Preslsey, model manufactured in the 30s television, wanted to honor the anniversary of mechanical television. The recipient of two discs connected by a shaft, such as image search, is added to the face of the Scottish physicist, John Baird, starring on Tuesday.


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