Saturday, November 22, 2014

Back to orbit TV – The World

Angel Martin fame and national recognition came to him through the television, although the presenter know what you did keep saying what most have been called “the Patricia Conde program or Dani Mateo “. After four years away from the small screen, the comedian returns to the medium with a scientific outreach program of the 2 Laika orbit , opens play in Madrid with Love Pain Love and the internet continues to spread comic pills with Lara Alvarez It could be worse . Quite a project for someone who dared to leave everything as it was at the crest of the wave. So why go back to the TV now?

“Because this program has nothing to do with what I have proposed” explains Martin on Orbit Laika , a project of the author of the blog My table limps , José Antonio Pérez, which aims to make science fun (and intelligible) to all audiences. “It seemed so strange to call me to present this I had to say yes. They were looking for a presenter who had the point of view of the average viewer, and for that you need a guy who has no idea how I “he adds.

Because even if you fed up of repeating the boredom of doing the same thing was the main reason for leaving know what you did in January 2011, the proposals he has been receiving from then seeking to repeat the success of the revolutionary program of humor desktop Sixth. A format which was also, among others, the award for Best Presenter entertainment programs of the Academy of Television. “I did not feel I could contribute anything more. We were five years doing know what you did and there came a time when I no longer amused with what I did . To me it made no sense. It has to do with fame and pasta, I’m funny “statement.

In fact, five months after it debuted with Ricardo Castella Never Too Late , a show on a TV presenter who left for theater and that over three years saw more than 150,000 people throughout Spain. And now he repeated Love Pain Love , where the two comedians write, produce, direct, and interpret all the characters’ romantic Hollywood style about love and heartbreak comedy “and even soundtrack. “As we do every evil we fear nothing. What we would like is to have a rock band, but not enough repertoire” , has this bizarre work Fridays and Saturdays at 23.30 Teatro Infanta Isabel de Madrid -from which serves THE WORLD- until 20 December.

But if the theater has joined them, their friendship began, how could it be otherwise, also on television. Ricardo, director of Paramount Comedy Monologues seeking monologuistas, joined Angel, who at that time was studying interpretation because, she says, would be “a serious actor”. “I wanted to do Shakespeare, not comic but now I’ve realized that I can not “, says Martin, laughing.

Since then, the pair have been thick as thieves but other projects, Seven lives as a screenwriter and SLQH as a presenter in the case of Martin and New comic and Noche Hache in the case of Castella, they stayed away. Now combine his passion for theater with TV. And is that also Castella is immersed in another project for the medium. In her case, the series of Antena 3 Something to celebrate

About enemies could garner such media commentator SLQH Martin can not help but let a smile. “I guess there are people who are still angry and people who happened I peel either options. ” Indeed jokes that on the website of Telecinco have published the premiere of his new show: “is demonstrating greater love that can make us”

And speaking of. devil … continues reviewing the state of the heart on television. “Now is making Telecinco, who has set up his own circus. It’s like you’ve put in a cage all these people and among them devour. I still find shit, but to me they are in the cage and wrecking between them seems phenomenal, “he adds.


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