Sergio Dahbar comments in his column of April 23 the epic of the Romanian people in silent rejection of the repressive totalitarianism Balkan Stalinism in the Latin country in Eastern Europe, referring to the documentary presented by Nestflix which tells how since 1985, a number each increasing clandestine viewers Bucharest, Brasov, Timisoara, Constanta, risked to move fictitiously outside Romania in their aspirations to achieve freedom.
in a tiny room crammed with spectators in an apartment any, is they gave tryst professionals from different formations, elderly, youth, children to escape the nightmare of a regime that eternal believed. Each of those viewers turned their dreams by giving freedom to use their idle TVs. The “dignified” of “communist paradise” who were not allowed to protest, could not forbid them to dream. So they risked: they were tired of witnessing the cult of personality and false wonders Ceauseuscu trumpeted by the single channel transmitted by the totalitarian regime of the State. It was also the way to avoid such propaganda and many lies transmitted for two hours daily monotonous and repetitive. They preferred to risk and use your TV to unleash the magic of VHS- and forget the suffering of the endless lines of poor wages, inadequate housing, collapsed medical, hardships shortages, rationing of electricity, and many other accumulated by a “failed and useless revolution” in the movies limitations the voice of the translator Irina Nestor translating all actors with a single monotonous voice was heard, but they sounded to glory, as viewers were transported with courage against the red dragon facing brave heroes like Rocky or Rambo or corruption fighters like Jean Claude Van Damme or Chuck Norris. Thousands of movies were played over and other time while the dreaded Securitate, raided the apartments to take the video-recorders and pirated movies to join them as well, to the delight of the late twentieth century without recording to his superiors devices “expropriated “. But the story does not end there. A few years later, again it is the Romanian Television that broadcasts live and live the courage of the protesters who were able to face the biggest repressive apparatus of the countries of the Warsaw Pact disowned in the Plaza Unirea dictator Nicolas and his wife Helena. The slaughter caused the military and police forces to unite the people, segudio by the tragic trial that sentenced him to the maximum penalty, being broadcast on Radio and Romanian Television.
The formation of the Provisional Government of Salvation national selected as initial host the meetings of exiles, former political prisoners and marginalized Communist Party leaders at the headquarters of the Romanian Television that was dedicated to transmitting endlessly a cascade of interventions of the new leaders. There paraded the most divergent political: Ion Iliescu, Petre Roman, Radu Campeanu, Coposu, Mazili. They were the actors who staged the historical stage when television COLLAPSED TO COMMUNISM. @milosalcalay
The driver Periodismo para todos released today a series of entertainment that tests the intelligence of the participants
in recent years, since 2012, Journalism for all (PPT), the program of Jorge Lanata in the thirteen, became a sort of flagship for political journalism on television, becoming one of the most productive plants of allegations of corruption Kirchner government.
Surprisingly, this year Lanata decided to discontinue the emission cycle. He moved to Miami, where does his daily program on Radio Mitre; leaves, movable by, in Telenoche and writes a weekly column on Saturdays in Clarin. But also have its weekly program on broadcast television. Smarter Argentina, a proposal that will be entertainment, today, Wednesday, at 22.30
How did this political journalist migration cycle driver entertainment?
-The who has followed my career a little knows a guy who was never stand still or doing the same for long. PPT last year there were many very good results, but it was also very intense and very stressful. The truth is I wanted to stop for a bit, take a break from the political issue. Like I’m not out of politics. Four hours per day on the radio I talk about politics. In my newspaper column I talk about politics. In Telenoche I talk about politics and if I make a special PPT, too. I went a little piece of it, but not quite. Nor I had wanted that to happen in a year like this it’s complicated. Making this program is like a breath, and do something different, take a break.
-For that could walk around Miami. Why do an entertainment program?
‘I enjoy making something I never did. It’s good, I learn something different. If I want to see in relation to what I’ve been doing, you could say they are positive values the program. I will not say it is my vocation conduct a program like this lifetime. I will do this season and then see.
The smartest Argentine is the local version of a Canadian cycle is called Canada’s Smartest Person in the country and is a leader in audience for two years. The format is based on the theory of Howard Gardner, whom Harvard Lanata interviewed for the series Twenty-six people to save the world, he recorded for the Turner group a few years ago-according to which there is no single type of intelligence, but nine different forms and that all can be developed. In each issue competing four people, two men and two women, of different ages. They are subject to various challenges that allow them to see how they work in some of those types of intelligence. Some issues involved celebrities, evaluating the performance of the contestants. “In the first program will be Mario Pergolini to evaluate a test of linguistic intelligence in which participants must improvise a speech. The second will be Mariana Fabbiani and Juan Jose Campanella giving his verdict on other tests,” he adds Lanata.
If you had to compare it with other entertainment proposals there on TV, where would be the difference?
‘what there are programs that challenge the culture of the participant. I will not ask questions of general culture. The challenges are to make them think. Intelligence challenge is understood as a tool to make their way in life.
‘Do not you worry that the offer of political programs on television that there will not satisfy people to feel informed as PPT?
-The PPT team still armed and running. In fact we continue Telenoche reports. When we do a special something strong. People can continue to count on us. As for what is today, I think television political programs open missing
‘Do you think
‘ I do distinction.? Programs politicians are one thing and programs panel, another. What is now broadcast television is an excess of panelismo. In my opinion-and with this I’ll make a few enemies the panelismo is not necessarily journalism. There are good and panelists who are journalists, but others are even. That ends up detracting from these programs, because anyone think of anything. It’s like a meeting of neighbors in the village reviewing an autopsy. What do you know about that? Are coroners? It is believed about very specific things without knowing anything. If the programs more newspaper would not happen. A journalist when writing or when speaking of a thing it is supported on the information. Do not write or say anything. In the panelismo everything it is debatable. For me this has a political corollary, it is also a legacy of Kirchner.
Explain to me a little. How do you get there?
With the Baldwin disappeared facts. It was all according to who said it. But it is not, the facts exist. One consequence of this false disappearance of the facts was this outrageous appearance of panelismo
Now that you’re in Miami, tell me. Does it look different from the reality of Argentina from the outside
He’s out a little good to realize that the country always discuss the same things. We are a fairly recurrent country. But actually in my case but I am in Miami’m very connected to what happens in Argentina. I’m laburando here in an Internet thing that is technical, but on the other hand, as I told you, my profession requires me to be in constant contact with the country, as if he lived there.
‘And how long do you think it will be before you chop the bug back full time with a program of political journalism?
‘ I managed to go out with a mobile channel for Telenoche from here and, when needed, special leave. What we do not fix is the number of programs to be made. It may be one or five, or may be ten. It depends on what goes over. I am ready to go with the program as many times as needed, because I know what people expect. The public wants to see PPT in the air. So today 80% of my activity remains political journalism. There is a 20 no. But if needed I will use the 20% too. The entertainment program can still be done without problem. The distance to go on record does not count. There are eleven hour flight to Buenos Aires. Not so far.
The study recording , cameras and reporters are ready for the second season of the TV show ‘ Runapaktaki ‘. A communication product Ñucanchic Productions created to spread the music, cuisine and the native language of the Puruhá culture.
Jenny GUILLIN, ñusta Andina del Ecuador, and his uncle Joseph GUILLIN, are the authors of program . They will present in each broadcast sites where you can make community tourism, hear stories of people from the communities , typical dishes of the province and more.
The highlight of the production will be the music videos of indigenous artists from Chimborazo , interviews and live performances. The purpose will be to create them a showcase for them to spread their artistic creations.
“In the Ecuadorian television there were spaces for indigenous programs. Some channels only law-abiding folk communication with content. ” producer José GUILLIN says. Therefore, he says, the program represent the indigenous culture.
In fact, he had the idea of creating a program of this type before the approval Communications Law , indicating that 5% of the contents of the media should be intercultural.
in 1998, he migrated to Spain due to the lack of job opportunities. On his return, 10 years later, his desire to work to a television channel despite not having academic instruction, motivated him to submit a project. “My dream was always work on TV . I did not care if he had to start cleaning the floors, but dreamed of having my own show, “says the 38 years.
No visual or had knowledge about managing cameras when he started with the project teams. A study on the Indigenous target of the province and a list of artists with unpublished creations were the first inputs. Then they pooled their money and bought professional cameras.
The first season was recorded in 2014 and lasted about a year. Initially, the program only projected video music often came artists touting their new songs. However, for the second season contents were expanded.
“We want to present a program that reflects the indigenous culture in a deeper way and his entertaining time capture the attention of the mestizo and Indian public,” he says Jenny GUILLIN , host of the program.
In addition, this time will include small ‘pills’ to learn or remember the Kichwa. Jenny show you how to writing and pronunciation correct language , with the dual purpose of motivating indigenous people to continue talking and educating their children with the mother tongue.
reports that show the dishes originating in the Andean Region and preparation techniques that are being lost due to migration and modernity will also be conducted. like the first season, the program will be issued through the channel riobambeño TVS , from 13:30 to 14:30, Monday to Friday. Emissions will begin the first week of May.
“The Communications Act requires us to include content intercultural , but we do not only fulfill. The idea of reaching all sectors we are excited and passionate about, “says Marcelo Pino , managing director of TVS.
This television also has another intercultural program dedicated to transmitting information content and is called ‘Inti Vision’.
BUENOS AIRES (Editorial) – “ who falls ” was one of television cycles with more followers of the Argentina television until the trident that led broke, formed by Mario Pergolini Eduardo De la Puente and Juan Di Natale . The years passed and it seems the famous program back to the screen, albeit with a different name.
The same will Diego Iglesias and Di Natale on driving, plus a third person. At one point there was talk of Gonzalo Rodriguez , also ex CQC , but the producer seems to point to a woman. Others who will also be is the notero Nicolas Guthmann and executive producer Cune Molinero .
Churches spoke with and forward some of the program that will start on May 8 by the screen of Channel 9 and, according to him, it will have nothing to do with CQC : “the first thing that comes to mind is that because it is also Cune as a producer, but I really do not have anything of that program. what we will have is that more descontracturada mark. it is a serious journalistic but not with solemnity, because we are not solemn, is not our style “he said.
How do you see this political moment to return to TV, with the start of a new government and changes in the media, with a new grid on the Public TV and others?
– is a very interesting time, they are spending a lot of things. Regarding the public media have to wait to see how the new members work, although I did not see the programs of the Public TV, because I believe that the new program started about a week ago. Give him time. Hopefully they fulfill what had announced that they would be non-governmental public media but. That’s an ad.
‘How will the new program position politically?
It’s a newspaper, therefore, is critical, in the absolute sense of what journalism. Neutral not, because there is no objectivity, but honesty. That is balanced, fair, and not operate. That will not do. In that sense we have no problem. You will go for that line. It is a critical program, but overall. Things you have to criticize this government is going to criticize, or earlier as well.
‘What will be your role?
-In addition to co-drive with John, I’ll be in charge of a weekly newspaper report or a policy issue of the weekly agenda.
How tomás return to television?
I’m super happy, I love television. I do not like anything but a newspaper, and also with John and people I know, is very good.
Every time the human being is more informed. The new TV has joined the rush of information, competing with the new communication technologies that has come with the Internet.
Frequencies Dominican with its canals N16, SDTV channel 24 and 69 UHF has embarked for the moment, in the competitive development of N16, a concept of the new local television that seeks to highlight in its new programming the best of Dominicans.
Since its airing “News 16″ as in principle, the television plant was called, was characterized as a channel exclusively for news, brought to viewers from a wide background of information. This time it is set to open a large modern television studio and a new schedule that will include characterized spaces seeking out the best of Dominicans, positive news, and all the national and international news events.
From Venezuela, arrived a year ago the country the communicator and television producer Ricardo Gonzalez Crespo, who is working on the necessary changes to give greater potential level of communication, planning and programs to be consistent with the trends of the public who require in these times.
“to begin with we have changed News 16 N16, with a new logo, new image, graphic line with a more dynamic programming, new journalistic staff. is also working on a new investment technical and a new study level, “forward González Crespo, during a visit to this newspaper, who also was accompanied by the journalist Kris Viñas, and the manager of marketing and sales channel, Wendy Reyes.
“Hello Santo Domingo”
Within the current programming it highlighted in the new space “Hello Santo Domingo”, hosted by the Venezuelan Kris Viñas. The program takes less than 20 days transmission, was designed under the concept of the new television that has projected Wendy Reyes, to bring viewers the best and the positive aspects of each information disseminated.
” when I met Ricardo you talked about the idea and immediately conceived the program, “Reyes said.
This is how Ricardo comes to develop the idea of a space where it aims to highlight the good news and work and positive works carried out in the country.
“in just eleven days already have in Facebook about 5,000 followers on our fans and responsiveness of the public has been incredible,” he noted González.
Although production only takes a few days in the air, Kris admits she feels very grateful and happy, first to bring a space with which she understands, you can redistribute the Dominicans the friendliness of the people. “But above all highlight all those jobs that people do, for nothing, and you just do it with the intention to help, trying to make a better society,” he said.
Kris remembered the first delivery of “Hello Santo Domingo” which broadcast an interview with Camilo Rijo, a boy who alphabetized children who roam the Colonial Zone and had a great receptivity.
The news program “News 16″ has four news broadcasts Monday through Friday. The first at 8:30 a.m .; the second at 11:30 a.m .; the third at 3:00 p.m .; the star at 8:00 p.m. newscast, and two weekend editions at 4:00 p.m. It also has seven daily news programs six weekends “. “Direct Access”, “up with Ana Jimenez,” “Five days”, “Synthesis of health” and “Framework” are some of the spaces that are transmitted by N16.
After the arrival of I want to be a nun (Four) and the new release of Survivor , two of the most anticipated reality shows of the season, there are still new and formats offbeat upcoming releases.
contribute to this new channels now open their doors, as Ten TV, the sequoia group, which will begin broadcasting on Thursday ; Be Mad (owned by Mediaset) or DKiss , the Kiss group, all supporters of the world factual , that is, of those modern documentaries plying the wilder side telerrealidad. Among his proposals, new areas of esotericism, unmentionable vices or strange professions.
Look up, in our photogallery, everything will land soon on your TV.
Showtime has released the list of 217 players who will join the cast of the television series.
the cult series whose return has already several years in a seesaw, with the controversy of whether count on David Lynch in command or finally have official cast. The television network Showtime cable has revealed the huge list of stars who will participate in the revival of Twin Peaks, new actors and members of the original cast.
I enter the new faces see in the series will find: Monica Bellucci, Jim Belushi, Jeremy Davies, Laura Dern, Hailey Gates, Balthazar Getty, Ernie Hudson, Ashley Judd, David Koechner, Matthew Lillard, Trent Reznor, Tim Roth, Amanda Seyfried, Tom Sizemore, Jessica Szohr, Eddie Vedder and Naomi Watts . Of the original cast members are only absent Lara Flynn Boyle and Piper Laurie.
It has been over 20 years since that second and final season of Twin Peaks, and fans around the world erupted in excitement with the announcement of the return of the series to Showtime in 2014. Internet and Lynch same cast back strongly to take the project when the drama that left the ship echoed on social networks and webs asked. David Lynch and Mark Frost write and produce the series, and the first will also direct all episodes. The third season of Twin Peaks will be released in 2017 .
Not all of our favorite couples of the small screen had an idyllic romance; Here, some separations series ached; WARNING: THIS NOTICE HAS SPOILERS
* 1. CARRIE AND QUINN (Homeland)
Carrie Quinn and romance was not. Photo: File
While the first three seasons of Homeland focused on the complex relationship between (permanently unfolded) Carrie Mathison (Claire Danes) and Nicholas Brody (Damian Lewis ), the figure of Peter Quinn ( “the man who kills evil men” as used to define themselves, played by a taciturn Rupert Friend) was always going around. In the fourth season, his undaunted character is replaced, in the last chapter, by a much more warm and bright. Quinn wants to leave the pit in which he was stuck for years (especially the dirty work assigned to it by the CIA) and Carrie is presented as his only salvation. After proposing to start from scratch with her daughter Franny (moment of doubt by), she agrees to this new opportunity but … it’s too late. Quinn confused that moment of silence with rejection and embarks on another course.
Also, in a sort of soap opera twist, Homeland shows us what leaves Quinn before embarking on another risky and unpredictable mission: a letter Carrie must open when he dies. A season later, and in the last episode, we reveal the contents of the epistolary statement, while Quinn lying in a hospital bed, seconds from death. “I think ever we happened, I’m not a person of many words but now I come to mind. I do not believe in fate, but I’m not surprised that things have ended this way, I always felt there was something pushing me the dark, and they never allowed me a real life or real love, and that was reserved for the ‘ordinary people’, “Quinn wrote. Viewers, meanwhile, prepared handkerchiefs.
Patrick, Richie and a relationship with many ups and downs in Looking. Photo: File
Looking is one of those series that will become, over time, in a hidden gem. HBO aired the creation of Michael Lannan for only two seasons, which caused anger among fans who needed a closure of the stories of three protagonists (Patrick, Dom and Agustin). The closure will finally arrive in June when the movie based on the series, which will take up the end of the second season finale that was as exclusive to Patrick figures (Jonathan Groff) and Richie (Raul Castillo), in an approach that seemed to be released be the genesis of a reconciliation.
the breakup scene between them was one of the best who gave us Looking, with Groff and highly connected to actoral level Castillo and with that naturalness that has always characterized the series, making us feel that was not scripted, everything flowed with an undeniable spontaneity. While seemed to complement each other perfectly (as we have witnessed in the great episode to the Before dawn entitled “Looking for the Future”), Patrick and Richie were from very different worlds, the which ended up causing a departure from the first, who slept with her boss Kevin (Russell Tovey) in a impasse, a fact that was the coup de grace for that fleeting romance, because Richie could never forgive him .
* 3. COSIMA AND DELPHINE (Orphan Black)
Cophine in happy times. Photo: File
The links Orphan Black is never easy to describe, especially since each of the clones of the BBC series have corresponding “monitor” the presence the monitors from close to report its evolutions (or regressions, in most cases). As a result of this, the clones are monitored also a romantic level by those figures who seek to gain their trust, causing constant disappointments. The clearest example of this is the Cosima Niehaus (Tatiana Maslany, brilliant in every facet that you get to play) who, despite being perceptive and intelligent in his work, he stumbles on a personal level incessantly.
therefore, and although all signs indicated that his girlfriend Delphine Cormier (Évelyn Brochu) was working for the enemy, Cosima ignored warnings and went ahead with the relationship . Error. Delphine not only broke his heart once reveal his true identity (she actually was his monitor assigned) but once again when he asked away to do their job objectively. So, it seems that “Cophine” – as fans dubbed him – was a couple who was cursed from the start and destined to end in tragedy. A pity.
* 4. HANNAH AND ADAM (Girls)
Hannah leaves Adam in the fourth season of Girls. Photo: File
While Girls has had a few ups and downs in his five seasons, the link between Hannah (Lena Dunham) and Adam (Adam Driver, the great discovery of the creator of the series ) I always remained solid. From the first season when she played a submissive role to the sexual demands of him, through the second season when he rescues her from her nervous breakdown after a memorable and eventful journey through the streets of New York, to the brand new final chapter in the she ends up accepting the relationship of her ex-boyfriend with her friend Jessa (Jemima Kirke), Hannah and Adam have known how to show that, in essence, are two sides of the same coin.
the break more painful that crossed this couple came in the episode “Home birth” when Adam, after warning that Hannah is the woman he should be (but not volatile Mimi-Rose), proposes to resume the relationship in the context of the birth of her nephew. She declines the offer after a long period of being subject to the needs of him and decides to bet on what appeared to be a promising courtship with Fran (Jake Lacy). It should be mentioned that the look in those bleak Driver minutes is simply outstanding and recognizable to all who have suffered a similar rejection.
* 5. ABBI AND TREY (Broad City)
Abbi breaks her heart to Trey in Broad City. Photo: File
“Burning Bridges” is probably one of the best episodes of Broad City, the brilliant comedy created, written and starring the dynamic duo Ilana Glazer and Abbi Jacobson. First, because it is a chapter that hits the mark in his tribute to Dad forever – the comedy of Chris Columbus led by Robin Williams – even allowing a perfect cameo of Mara Wilson (daughter smaller of that film). Second, because it is the first time in history low decibel nonsense to show the human side of the unleashed Ilana, who is leaving the superficiality aside to be recognized as a vulnerable woman.
Third because we see Abbi enjoy a proper appointment (unusual scenario in Broad City) and with the most unexpected person: his boss Trey. Therefore, when to comfort a Ilana devastated by her own break detracts from its link with Trey and he overhears the conversation, we can not help feeling sorry for that relationship ended before. “I’m not a joke, Abbi” says the man who started as a cartoon series to become one of his most lovable characters. Another opportunity
PARTICIPATION. We invite you to add other breaches of current series in comments
With the advent of new technologies and changes in the way people consume content was never so difficult to determine the success or failure of a program
When the series premiered Limitless CBS television on a Tuesday night in September, 9.9 million people decided to see what it was. In the world of television today, which is precisely -given the flood unlimited programming on everything from Netflix, through cable and even YouTube and the infinite number of ways to consumirlo-, ten million pairs of eyes for new show is impressive.
And that was just the beginning. After considering the amount of people who played deferred and video on demand in the post-premiere program month plus data streaming the site of CBS and its app the total estimated audience of Limitless chain jumped to 16 million. “That’s a big difference,” says David Poltrack, head of research at CBS audience. “That’s the new way in which television programs are successful. There are successful only live TV on the chain. There are successful only on the Internet. It is an accumulation of this unequal distribution. You have to measure everything.”
It sounds so simple. Simply add up all the numbers, right?
Not exactly. The new mathematics of TV ratings and audience measurement has never been more complicated. Proliferated video platforms online -and diversify audiences in smartphones, tablets, laptops TV and connected devices such as Apple TV and Roku- have an accurate reading of public has become a huge task. There is no known single data provider; chains must meet sometimes contradictory information from a variety of sources. What is at stake. Without a complete picture of the audience of a show, neither producers nor advertisers know the real value of what they buy and sell
Nielsen, the stronghold of rating whose weekly reports have been deciding the life or death of TV programs for six decades, he wants to go to digital rescue with a new “measurement of total public” that promises to register the public on all platforms. This effort, which has been unfolding in recent months, may seem improbable result considering that the company has maintained that it can tame the digital chaos at least since 2007. That was the time when Nielsen, at the insistence of its partners in the industry, introduced the C3 metric called to account for the rise of video recorders (DVR); calculates the average alarm view a program in three days of broadcast. Five years later, advertisers and agencies began to embrace Nielsen rating C7, aimed at measuring the views in a week. But both figures quickly become less relevant, because people see weeks or even months programs after their initial broadcast. What’s more, Nielsen metrics traditionally have not taken the programs are for services streaming by subscription, such as Netflix and Amazon account. Since these platforms are free of ads, have no incentive to give ratings, leaving a black hole of information. Nielsen succeed with measurements of total public would be a real reinvention of the company, which has become targeted by media executives argue that their rating systems are outdated. “The idea that every Tuesday one receives a rating of what happened on Monday night, one that only represents 60% of what will end up being completely public is a frustration for us,” says Poltrack of CBS . Linda Yaccarino, head of ad sales for NBC Universal launched a tirade against Nielsen in the sample of electronic consumer goods in January, saying the rating C3 is “virtually useless”.
This type of complaints -with Nielsen disagrees not necessarily, it is what led the company to act six years ago, when the measurement of total public began to develop. Nielsen, in the end is a company with a market value of nearly US $ 17,000 million and for which the ratings are a significant part of their income. Steve Hasker, chief operating officer of Nielsen, said that the total public “is the largest product development project ever undertaken Nielsen”. He brought dozens of engineers to create programs for all devices that Nielsen now tracks, and to create a software development kit for media companies install on their app and VCRs online .
what does it include? Nielsen says it can now measure all TV and digital platforms -Netflix, Yahoo! and YouTube, between them. You can assemble statistics for a program based on metrics that are comparable across platforms, from view through the total time watching the program until the average size of the public. You can also divide the figures by devices and through a partnership with Facebook can offer demographics by age and gender for video viewers online .
Many in the television industry want Nielsen has success, particularly if the results counteract the negative assertion that TV ratings are in a downward spiral. According Hasker, “explain to advertisers, agencies and Wall Street that the number of viewers of my programming has increased, not reduced.”
The question of US $ 70,000 million in advertising is how people will respond marketing companies when Nielsen figures finally placed side by side the figures of public digital television and in a comparable format. Traditional metrics Nielsen recorded the average size of the public of a program per minute, while the metric video online has revolved around the views.
To get an idea distortion it creates, remember how bragged Yahoo! in October when it said it had 33.6 million downloaded via streaming of a football game between the Buffalo Bills and Jacksonville Jaguars. But only half were individual viewers and once the figures extends throughout the game, in television terms the figure gives an audience of only 2.4 million.
Surja or not a solution perfect, it is likely that the new measure of total public Nielsen succeed mainly in … promoting debate. “When marketing people think about marketing, do not think about TV versus online versus whatever,” says Brad Smallwood, vice president of measurements and analysis of Facebook, which introduced a product purchase notices Nielsen provides ratings for digital signage. “All they want to know is how many people saw your notice.”
Not all people agree marketing. “To some extent, the rulemaking of the ratings for all platforms makes sense, because it helps advertisers to compare apples to apples,” says Bre Rossetti, vice president and chief strategy and innovation Havas Media . “But it can also be dangerous.” Rossetti argues that the marketing people have instead to start trading with how intensely people engage with your content.
One benefit of effort Nielsen is that it could give television studios greater weight negotiating with services streaming . “My theory says one TV executive veterano- is that Netflix shows advances based on chains and cable” rather than based on their original content. If Nielsen data correspond to the theory of this executive says, “studies that sell Netflix may say..” A moment What wins them subscribers are my shows, not your Their shows are perceived what are you, but my shows are reality ‘. “
ups and downs in the
the major milestones that took the business of audience measurement
1950 the company AC Nielsen buys the service of national rating radio and TV Hooper and start measuring TV audiences.
1953 Forty-four million viewers (representing 72% of all TV households in the US) see Lucy Ricardo gave birth Little Ricky on I Love Lucy, CBS.
1966 The first season of Star Trek fan base draws, but has low rating. NBC almost canceled the series after the second season, but the multitude of letters from fans who receives convinces chain continue the program for another season
1970 the show of 42 ° Oscars gets most market share of all television transmissions: 78% of US households are winning film Lost at night.
1983 The final episode of MASH attracted 105.9 million viewers, making it the most-watched series finale in television history. The second is Cheers, in 1993, with 93.9 million.
2009 The vision of TV reaches its highest level, households have the power on nine hours a day.
2 012 The Good Morning America breaks the 852 weeks followed by Today as the show’s most watched American television.
2015 the presentation of Katy Perry in the final of football attracts 118.5 million viewers, which becomes the most watched halftime show in the history. But even more viewers watched the last 40 minutes of the game.
A new way of consuming television
Using your new tool for measuring total public, Nielsen differed six ways people he consumed a single episode of a drama of a string after it was released last September. He also had people who saw it live, along with those who recorded it with DVR, which used video on demand services, connected TVs and computers, and mobile devices in the next 35 days. Counting all demographics, 45% of viewers watched the live show. But when analyzed by age group, the figure varies dramatically, with 15% of people between 25 and 34 years watching the show live, versus 64% of the public aged 50 or more. Surprisingly, the younger viewers (18 to 24) were more likely to watch the episode live or digitally connected TV or video on demand. The digital alternative to an age group dominates 18% of people between 25 and 34 years saw the program on a computer or mobile device. Is the only age group that most spectators digital live … for now.
The fight for ratings (and dollars)
Changes lived statistics TV viewership in recent decades
78% Record
This is the power that won the Oscar telecast in 1970 in the US.
45% today
the percentage of US households now watch a live program.
33.6 million
This is the record lows that had a football game on Yahoo!
70 billing
are the billions of dollars that moves the advertising pie in the US.
18% youth
the percentage of young people who watch programs is by cell or tablet.
That Sunday afternoon, one of the iconic faces of the program Sabado Gigante, “Pepe Yeruba” died at age 71 due to a decompensation.
The former face of television some time ago was suffering from a picture of diabetic neuropathy who had quit his job. And this morning, was taken this morning to the Parish Hospital of San Bernardo, where he eventually died.
Following his death, friends and characters television delivered their messages through social networks , to fire him, then review some of them:
Televisa and TV Azteca have reduced their advertising sales versus pay television and internet. For the only two television networks in Mexico, it represents a business of about 11.256 million pesos (mp), its main source of income in the area of content. However, their profits for this item are down and analysts do not expect a recovery, compared to other platforms pay ranging in growth.
The advertising market tele open and is on the way I walked in spraying, mainly due to the migration of advertisers to the alternatives offered by pay-TV, says a study by the Latin American Association of Advertising Multicanal, known as LAMAC, which accounts for the decline for nine years.
in its annual report of 2014, Televisa reported that due to the entry into force of the reform of the Regulations of the General Health Law on advertising (May 2014), results in the advertising business were “adversely affected”. In that document, the company said it “can not predict the impact or effect that such reform could continue to have in the operating results in the future.”
However, a more important factor in explaining the decline in sales of advertising open tele factor is that “viewers or market share are going away to pay television or other skills,” he said Expansión telecommunications consultant who requested anonymity.
Since then, the content company in the world’s largest Spanish reported sales declines in this category. In its results for the fourth quarter of 2015, advertising sales fell 11% to 7,687 million, against 8,633 million pesos in the same period of 2014.
Although Televisa acknowledged the impact of the decline in sales, telecommunications specialist, who also asked not to be quoted by name, financial analyst shared with Expand that the company can overcome these effects in the medium or long term, thanks to its other businesses. “As grows IZZI, Televisa will have a source of income that could replace what is lost in advertising sales network television. However, the picture is more complicated for TV Azteca, because you do not have that possibility, “
To TV Azteca, the picture has not been different. During 2015 recorded declines in advertising sales. In the fourth quarter, fell 4.73%, although its most dramatic fall in that year introduced in the second quarter, 16.99% less, which he attributed to the comparison with the income earned during the World Cup Brazil 2014, an event that attracted greater flow of income.
in its annual report of 2014, the network of Ajusco admitted that in the year ended contracts relevant advertising, and by strong competition from Televisa and other media such as radio , spectacular, newspapers, magazines and the Internet, “can not ensure that maintain or improve their participation in the Mexican market for TV advertising in the future.”
So, TV Azteca and Televisa are unable to increase their advertising revenues. Advertisers are migrating to other platforms, including highlights and private television and, of course, internet.
LAMAC reported that during the first ten days of this year -Last available- measurement, open TV rating fell 23%, while pay TV grew 17% in rating and 30% in participation audience.
the agency revealed that Mexicans spend 38 minutes watching television pay the time they spend in front of the open channels. According to LAMAC, “in the last nine years, Mexicans with access to pay TV have increased 192%.”
The pay TV grows
Televisa said in its annual report 2014 sales of advertising on its TV channels pay accounted for 6% of the total in that year. For the first quarter of 2015, the tele restricted meant 6.3% of advertising revenue, an increase of 10% against the same period of 2014.
“The profile of broadcast television goes to low commented telecommunications consultant. One advantage it gives you is that television networks is focused on higher segments. Now, the young, the millennials , no longer watch television. That worries the entire television industry worldwide. Surf when they turn on Youtube and television put Netflix directly. Open TV is losing weight. “
In its Third Statistical Quarterly Report 2015, the sector regulator, the Federal Telecommunications Institute (IFT), noted that the average program rating on TV channels pay rose from 2013 to 2015 and said that “consumption of programs broadcast television channels fell by 15.25% during the same period, which may be related to a substitution effect on consumption of content by type of channel. This is confirmed by increases in penetration levels nationwide pay TV “.
The audience of television networks reached a market share of over 29% in the same period of 2015. Despite consumption joint services open and pay television, TV pay is progressing.
Internet, the other competition
for Gonzalo Rojón, director Analysis of the Competitive Intelligence Unit, advertising is migrating to the Internet. Largely attributes this phenomenon to social networks.
“That participation is declining in traditional media, because not only open television, but radio and print media are seeing a decline in advertising, it is going to the Internet and all platforms that are on the internet “.
advertisers who prefer internet to disseminate their products or services are technology or software companies that” have a focus on youth. For example, Netflix and Spotify “Rojón explains. Although advertising is showing declines in open TV, especially “that does not mean it will disappear from the open and pay television,” said the expert. “We are seeing a slower transformation in Mexico against other countries like the US” .
Rojón distinguishes that in the high socioeconomic levels, content consumption is done immediately. “In Mexico there is still much penetration of broadband and mobile devices. That affects how content is consumed in all ages and in all socioeconomic levels. “
According to LAMAC, penetration of TV pay in Mexican households is 50% in its latest data for 2016. Both pay television services such as internet advertising will continue to grow because “there are going did segments in which they are interested (companies)”.
You cry on TV regret that want to destroy your life, refuse in all shades and languages of what you are accused of and threats to punish the guilty of such evil. The “villain” of the story
Strikes wants revenge that have described as “opportunistic” and had no better idea to dust off their memories and many phone messages to show that never forgot despite your pompous wedding. ¿Turkish Soap Opera? No, real life pure and writers involved. If you have not followed the story presented by chapters in television entertainment programs, we talk about Christian Dominguez and Vania Bludau , singer the first model the second protagonists this soap opera that apparently no end. Exenamorados and today apparently irreconcilable enemies. It’s hard to be exposed on the screen, it is cruel that vent to what you say to someone in private, it is terrible that others eventually have to pay the piper that you threw yourself. However, one must ask if it is not the logical consequence of an exposed to the media that promoted self life. If you shared your romance every day on television, the subsequent marriage and then to a creature presented to the media, now complain that the evils arrive all together on the small screen is not very consistent to say. That they reap what you sow is not far from reality. And we must clarify something once and for all: television reaches as far as one allows it, do not put a dagger in the neck for a public figure to talk over the account, share intimacies and cry live in primetime. If you do not want your life to the recount into chapters and you’re always on everyone’s lips, something simple and without much formality, do not open your mouth, do not give confessions and share what you want. And in the case of artists would be ideal to show only the talent of that claim.
What if there is not? Well that’s another roll, to those members of the local showbiz with those characteristics they will have no other to live the scandal, the story and romances occasion. It is time to separate and wheat straw.
For the second consecutive year and sixth time in history, the highest award in American journalism recognized a person who writes about TV. The Pulitzer Criticism of this year, announced Monday, acknowledged the analytical work of Emily Nussbaum, who dissects series and trends in The New Yorker since 2011.
it is not risky to say, at this point, that American television had never offered such high quality programs. Furthermore, access from abroad to increasingly programming that country allows live together with its media ecosystem in “real time” and be attentive, precisely those critics who previously remained inaccessible.
Among them, Nussbaum, who for more than a decade has traced with impeccable diligence transformations that mass entertainment today can say without embarrassment, that aspires to be “art”. “Those of us who love TV have won the war. Programs best writings are considered significant art: discussed, revered, denounced “he writes in The Price Is Right , one of the tests by which the Pulitzer deserved
the artistic merit of television was not something that was given for granted; however, the ultimate mastery of The Sopranos , The Wire or Arrested Development , for example. Until just over five years ago, it was feared that the fever of reality show murdered the interest of at least viewers, the mass of interest to advertisers, who financed production . –
still, critical writing of authors like Nussbaum and Mary McNamara (Pulitzer last year) is pushing reflection on this medium in new directions: gender, new ways narratives, the relationship with advertising in the era of Netflix, the binge-watching ( “binging” chapter) … it is not easy to know when or where we are we go: in 20 years of the Internet, mass culture has been upset with the violence of a good episode of the Walking Dead
Matt Zoller Seitz, another critical remarkable, says: “often we talk about television as the new seventh art. Aesthetically, television is not as advanced as the film, but only because it is a younger half. The film takes you 50 years. ” He points to the maturation of criticism: it is because analysts take it seriously we mean on TV now
I’m in. <- - .ad-main!> disagreement. See the growth of television in “evolutionary” terms as if someday aspire to match the movies, you risk obviate the specifics of this, subtlety, complexity and current limitations of the series today. Language itself requires a thorough knowledge of the specifics of this new era. And should be developed soon (Zoller Seitz does very well)
Criticism has given -the good- rise to a new way of understanding television; also it is pushing to improve, expand and multiply. It will continue to grow, and not just Netflix. In South Korea, mobile soap operas are very popular; in Costa Rica, the buses will feed screens with curious original and commercial programming. But here, just a mass medium ( The Nation ) published relatively frequently television criticism.
improvement without debate possible? If we see a golden age elsewhere, should not we aim higher on this island? Without critical dialogue, what will be the space to discuss these issues ?, where we will discuss what will be the shape of the policy of the future (or present TV?
I’d say we are doomed to silence because watching national television is confirmed as pessimistic, but I, a few years ago, believed the reality show was the end. Then came this golden era, with critics not were left blinded by its brightness, and turned the benefit of the doubt.
Journalist of Culture
Live Coeditor Supplement La Nacion. audiovisual producer and journalist graduated from the University of Costa Rica. He writes about literature, visual arts, film and music
A new culinary reality show premieres in Telefé, Marley will be your driver and Donato De Santis, Christophe Krywonis and Narda Lepes, jurors
Photo: Gerardo Viercovich
After two successful seasons of MasterChef and MasterChef Junior, Telefé again bet on a culinary reality noting the phenomenon of such television programs in Argentina. Conceived and produced together with Eyeworks, Sunday begins Owners of the Kitchen which, although similar to previous shipments aspects, brings several surprises. This new cooking contest will be conducted by Marley who, as in all releases in which it participates, will give a touch of humor to the transmission. Moreover, the renowned chefs Donato De Santis, Christophe Krywonis and Narda Lepes will be the main jury.
The biggest difference from everything previously seen is that the participants, who are already professional chefs, will have to undergo to the critical eye of an audience that has nothing agreed with the production, mimicking the real situation of being the chef of a restaurant. “It is true that people who are not extras and it’s true that people vote what you want,” he told La Nacion Narda Lepes, demonstrating the likelihood main feature of this new television product.
reality shows have a very important role in the global television and television in Argentina place, and among them, have coronita culinary reality shows, which have a public that continues perseveringly. “The problem of cooking reality shows is that they have the stigma of all reality, they always seem to be a fakeality, never know how real is the reality that project,” reflects De Santis. In this wants to focus Owners of the Kitchen, to show the real situations that have to live any culinary professional.
Meanwhile, Krywonis believes that such programs contributes to good eat people and the culinary culture of the countries. “the best thing about these programs is how like cooking are transmitted, the desire to eat, desire to learn to eat better, cook good food is a part very important to the culture of each country and this ends up being fundamental “.
in presenting Owners kitchen, Marley and the jury was of very good mood.
The role played by the three chefs at this time is highly modified to share his opinion with fifty people also cast their vote. “We are the arbiters of the situation,” Donato said. “. Now each our vote is individual in MasterChef had to reconcile, seek an agreement, here is simpler in that sense because we agree or not,” says Christophe while Narda explains: “Almost never agree (laughs). it’s good because discussed and the camera is turned off and still discussing. my goal is that those who are there better, not that my commentary rating “.
the main challenge program, according Donato, is “to communicate the reality of the profession.” “We will try to make the audience compenetre on what happens behind the scenes, you see that the challenges are real, that is, the customer himself will tell us’ Watch this dish is salty ‘or’ too cooked , I asked for more oil. ‘ “
chefs agree that the success of Owners kitchen is inevitable because although it is part of a boom as such can also use up the viewer, has many innovative ingredients that will achieve having the same or better luck than MasterChef.
When I see? Owners of the kitchen is delivered by Telefe, tomorrow, every Sunday at 22.
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