Sunday, April 3, 2016

Good television – Diario El País


are unbeatable, corny, pedestrian, predictable, but are a “fixed”. That gimmicky resource, with the passage of time, lightened, morphed say, and we are now in a world where humor arises from political correctness in which there is unapproachable subjects (except for dialectical genius). True, the “curse” which lasted a lily, thankfully. After repeated as many times we ask Pinti only use her as an excuse for their stories. What procaz no longer amuses itself. That is, Fidel Pintos Olmedo, via Les Miserables and reaching Tinelli, we have traveled the Rio de la Plata (like everywhere process).

It is rare, but today the world of humor does not own space on the screen, is added, seasoned, cast in other communications packages. We no longer have net television comedy programs ( Telecataplum or Plop ). However, all TV channels around the world have mood from their central communicators, paradoxically although not direct humorists have that connotation in the blood. Today in the United States is much more important Jimmy Fallon Matt Damon. Or Jimmy Kimmel Angelina Jollie. Or the ironic Lanata Argentina late show Matias Cabré. Or Tinelli himself and his vaudeville. If something showed Mr. Tinelli is not who knows what people want (that I know anyone with a market research) but intuits “what” produce for satisfy that craving. Touchée. That must be recognized to Argentina’s enormous talent to produce with seduction on television (one of the best in the world, whether they know it or not created).

Animals Loose Alejandro Fantino in America is a remarkable program-social gathering. From the table histrionic and strong analysis, which starts in fifth, without preliminaries and ending with an intimate interview, made in a popular tone, allowing undressing every night to everyone who passes by. Fantino cries Gabriel Rolon, openly admires Facundo Manes and heated with Guillermo Moreno move to the end of the screen and threaten a move. A capo. Although you do not like the rhetoric that handles (because you can consider futbolera end) achieved “empathize” with what feels most who watch it. That is to make good television. Good television does not have to be embolante. Good television does not have to be stultifying. That is an ideological lie that sold us some local cretin that is not true. Let’s reject the false please! And you can make good TV with politics, football, movies, food or soap operas.

Leuco are another Argentine success in Todo Noticias. A parent, solid, consistent, something marked by his past, loaded glances critical to their society, with a son who overcomes these pathologies (because it did not live long enough) and that his father -a descontractura a journalist exchange game roles worthy of praise. Father improvement for the youth of child cools, while the child is legitimate (and respected, say) by the story of a father who gave everything for committed journalism. The result: an intimate environment in which both are careful, are enhanced, ask whatever, not tread, but does not shake their voices to bite his ear to anyone. Not a lesson to house this kind of journalism? Is it a matter of great production or think it a bit?

The television we see is what we are. So it is important to look at and understand since the porteña influence is always relevant in the Eastern Band. And this is not today but forever. And while the youngest are native network, television remains -for a while more- even more powerful in modern society socializing agent. It is vital to know.


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