Thursday, April 21, 2016

Television, espionage and entertainment English court – El Observador

The British author John le Carré is no stranger to the screens. The former member of the Secret Intelligence Service UK has written twenty novels of fiction inspired by the world of espionage during the Cold War, among other genres, and has seen several of his works adapted to film and television.

In the last decade, actors like Ralph Fiennes, Gary Oldman, Philip Semour Hoffman and Ewan McGregor has starred in films with scripts originating from the pen of the writer.

The two new figures show characters embody conceived by Le Carré are actors Hugh Laurie, known for his starring role in the drama House – and Tom Hiddleston, who has appeared in three films of Marvel studios as the evil brother Thor, Loki.

Laurie and Hiddleston are the protagonists of The Night Manager a new series co-produced between the BBC, AMC and producer The Ink Factory signals. originally issued in the UK, the six-part miniseries began airing in Latin America signal AMC (available in Uruguay in various cable services) since 22 February.

The Night Manager is adapted to present Le Carré’s novel interpretation The infiltrator, originally published in 1993. The plot of the series is led by British ex-soldier Jonathan Pine (Hiddleston), who is recruited to infiltrate the inner circle of arms dealer Richard Onslow Roper (Laurie) to disarm the alliance that the criminal built between intelligence services and network arms trafficking .

entirely Directed by filmmaker Susanne Bier, the series has been praised unanimously by foreign television critics in several respects. From its cast to its locations, The Night Manager has been called “a spy story than Bond” by Time Magazine and a “fable heroic more compelling than Mission Impossible by Entertainment Weekly.

on the other hand, the interpretation of Hiddleston as a spy has placed as the new candidate proposed by fans to embody a new James Bond film, once Daniel Craig decides withdraw the paper.

“To be honest, even I have been asked. I have not approached and I have not been invited, “Hiddleston told reporters when asked about his interest in the paper said.” I think I only know the answer to that question if it ever happens, that may never happen, “he said the portal USA Today.


AMC Latin America is available at New Century web, Montecable, TCC and Directv


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