Thursday, May 7, 2015

Christopher Lopez the new owner of the TV – Blasting News

Cristobal Lopez is known beyond its casinos. The native Chubut entrepreneur began his career in the media when I build the ‘Índalo Means’ group dedicated to communication branch. Back in 2012 Lopez made the purchase to Daniel Hadad C5N and Radio 10 and began his career that led him to become one of the Argentine businessmen with the most mass media in their possession. During the course of last month the last two acquisitions Lopez met. He bought the producer ‘La Corte’ in charge of broadcasting Football for All; ‘War Horse’, responsible for government propaganda oficalista the President of Argentina Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner; and in addition it was completed confirming the purchase of 81 percent of the producer ‘Designed for television’ Diego Gvirtz, also kirchenista producer responsible for programs such as 678, issued by the Public Television and “Television Registered ‘and’ Hard to tame ‘.

Note that the empire created by Lopez would not have been possible without the abal of former President Nestor Kirchner and current President of the Nation, who allowed the entrepreneur to build his current map without acting on the new Media Law (Law 26,522), created in 2009.

Lopez remains outside of the accusations raised as to how a person can have a television channel, six-spoke, three producers without a daily (Ambito Financiero) online news portal (one minute) and local media of Comodoro Rivadavia.

The kirchenista employer is also the owner of the producer ‘Ideas del Sur’, former national scope owned by businessman and host Marcelo Tinelli and emitted has a contract until 2017 with Channel 13, which in turn is owned by Grupo Clarin, medium located opposite sidewalk for years with the government. For all this you would think Cristobal Lopez tries in part on “Getting right with God and the Devil”


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