Friday, March 27, 2015

‘Like I’m caste in television’ – Blasting News

Quique Peinado (Madrid, 1979) is a journalist, writer and one of the visible faces of zapping every evening in La Sexta. The program has settled in difficult afternoon of Sixth to the point that is one of the flagships of the chain.

More than 300 programs zapping What value does the program?

Good because it is not easy to make 300 programs on TV. Personally I’m having a good, have fun and learn. I’m looking forward to work every day and I think we do a good program, a program I would see if it worked. There are many people in which TV programs would not see it does.

Have you ever seen the program would expire?

In the first programs when we gave poor ratings you expect that it will not last long. But with things like Frank White presented the chimes knew that in December we arrived. After the audience rose and just when we was about to renew in February overcome the barrier of five percent of shate and then has not stopped growing.

Do you suffer from the audience?

Yes, sometimes unnecessarily long because now we are seated. It is the data that you measured. Not so much if you’ve done your job right or wrong but people see you and the end is what matters and what is decisive for the program to continue or not. Until it reaches the audience I spent a bad time.

Is zapping the new know what you did?

No, I think I know what you did was an almost social phenomenon in a larger than it is zapping given time. We are not that phenomenon but I also think SLQH was a program that risked much, also wore more conflicts they had with the images. It could have lasted ten years and lasted five. I sign making 1010 programs that did SLQH and be as good as them.

Is there caste TV?

It depends on what you consider caste. Same breed on TV because the TV’m spacious work many people. If you want to adapt to new generations need new faces and young people.

It is true that I do not see an explosion of talent in young people coming out on television and the best proof you have it where I go . As in all guilds of life there who is at the wheel and who controls this business and if that’s caste, no caste.

What Quique Peinado sees on TV?

I see less tele would want because I have a small child and do other things like writing. But I still Spanish fictions as Under Suspicion or The Prince and then I see many information programs such as Goal, Saved and some Saturday Night La Sexta. I also continue documentaries present Canal + and American series to which it is hooked around the world.

What about the controversy of Bluper with Red Carpet Palace?

I’ve seen that was out. Bluper demand seems an atrocity because I do not think they are the forms. Bluper is a young medium and it does much good TV and it seems unreasonable to me what happened. Anyway I have not seen but I understand that the turmoil is what has made José Luis Moreno before, but can not comment.

Do you miss Cristina Pedroche?

Yes, that is a girl who brings good vibes and had fun with it. But as we have gone to a program that will help give a professional diving and which is capable glad. We are fortunate that Anna Simon is going to replace many days.


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