Saturday, February 6, 2016

The crisis of Television – Merca2.0

A contemporary phenomenon that has not yet found a definitive solution is the decline in TV ratings. It is famous formula that while channels tend to infinity, the ratings tend to zero. However, the television in our country have been undermined its market increasingly since 2010 over here. Only at the turn of 2015-2016, the broadcast television ratings dropped by more than 30%. Many owe this phenomenon “digital television transition”; and partly it is true, but the reality is undeniable, there are fewer people watching television.

The time Prime Time where the family gathered to watch favorite TV program of the house they were completed. Now every member of the family has two or more screens constantly looking and not necessarily serve the interests of a television; You can be watching Netflix series in one and a YouTube video on your cell phone; without giving one hundred percent of your attention either content.

In this world, advertising has become a complicated business. Coinciding with the advent of this phenomenon, we saw the emergence of countless agencies BTL market, where it was believed that the solution magic to this problem were ” happenings “with Social Media campaigns. We can say that if done in a proper way, social networks and some settings can be useful for promoting a product or service. However, we are still far from finding the necessary tools that can effectively ensure the involvement of consumers in receipt of a pattern of how it used to be in the golden age of mass media.

I know that many young agencies wringing her lips and sigh in annoyance as you read this; but the changing market of social networks and the little “engagement” with often make is BTL solution to imperfect date (although the lesser evil) when promoting a product.

We are working on new technology in order to increase the “engagement” of consumers in receiving advertising messages. Neuromarketing probably save a medium-term solution; but for now we must accept the fact that we are in an era in which the consumer is elusive, budgets dwindling margins increasingly tight gain and increasingly effective campaigns regarding to their direct correlation with sales.


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