Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Javier Duarte will ask license. What role does it play tv? – Merca2.0

the role of tv remains dominant in the generation of content that serve for the communication of news and inside strategies of marketing policy.

These data highlight the recent announcement made by the governor of Veracruz, Javier Duarte, who through a newsletter, informed that it will take a license to his charge to face the accusations for financial irregularities that have been faced by agencies, prosecutors, and media.

"I Come here to your study to make an announcement in the most clear way, and an announcement of the greatest importance, I have taken the determination to apply to the Congress of the State license to be able to separate me from the office of governor of the state," said Duarte.

The tv continues to remain a channel as extremely important for the communication of news. Nielsen discovered in 2015 that it was a means to a global level led to the preference of the 53 percent of consumers who pointed to their screens as the number one source for news, followed by search engines (38 per cent) and social networks (33 percent).

This behavior of the consumer has been taken advantage of by chains such as Televisa, who has a news section very important (Televisa News) and that is due not only to the preference of the audience by mexican consume news via TV, is also due to that the channel 2 is the most seen both on television (64 per cent) and pay (65 percent).

Within the context in which a governor mexico is reported by the media, for alleged financial irregularities within his administration and the announcement that he gave this morning in a television newscast, we also find the role that is playing the television as a great medium for the communication of marketing strategies policy.

The above makes us remember the series of discussions that have been transmitted ahead of the elections of the united States, where we have seen the meetings between the republican Donald Trump and democrat Hillary Clinton, who have converted these discussions into strategies of entertainment with which they seek to create empathy between the audience and the channels brand reputation by his participation in historical events within a country, as happened with CNN, chain that achieved a key moment in its reputation to be the chain that he managed to convey by Facebook Live, the taking of their facilities during the coup attempt of which she was the object of the president of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, making the mix between TV, social networks and politics-a strategy that continues to have a broad impact in the media industry.


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