Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Adulthood TV series – ABC.es

Anyone know a TV is not a device that can turn freely without fear of splashing. At the same time, there is an art that has evolved so much as leaving at all hours of what was once a box and now looks like a painting. His youth and experienced technical advances in a few decades are just some of the advantages over its competitors, plus an enviable ability to delve into stories and characters, even above the novel, let alone film. Tony Soprano Walter White , to cite two examples, have become part of the family of millions of people around the world, sometimes in front of their actual blood relations. Both were born in PPV, but even in the “tele-poor ‘is now easy to enjoy what Brett Martin called ” third golden age of television’ the book “Men out of range.”

Just yesterday were met 40 years since the premiere of “Little House on the Prairie”, 20 “Friends” and 10 “Lost”, while on Saturday will debut three decades of “The Cosby Show”. There are four ’round’ anniversaries, perfect examples set by the metronome of time to analyze the evolution that has lived television drama whose current strength was unthinkable a few decades ago. It is true that series have grown a healthier way than their siblings to industry, such as programs with presenter , perhaps because direct, sold as irreproachable virtue, only really helps in relaying certain events.

The Ingalls

“Little House on the Prairie”, a fussiness that today would be unbearable, lasted nine seasons on NBC and won four Emmy awards . Several generations mourned; Mary Ingalls blindness was a drama that has failed or Borges. The father, his immense figure, soon built a highway to heaven.

The Huxtable

That so rustic and traditional family, steeped in values, mutated in only a decade into the Huxtable, paradigm of urban upper middle class who endured eight seasons on the air, but already installed on a Brooklyn never taught Woody Allen. Bill Cosby, also tanning as monologist, wearing all his life precocinando that success. Already in 1969 he starred in “The Bill Cosby Show,” which lasted two years. “The New Bill Cosby Show” was even more ephemeral in the early seventies.

In 1984 he found an audience and mature society, which could already identify with life in a house full of black in which, however, the father was a doctor and even the most of unruly children committed crimes . The buenismo Bill was healthier than Sidney Poitier. The context of that September 1984 is worth remembering, was the premiere of competing as “Murder, She Wrote,” “Miami Vice” and, as a coincidence, “Highway to Heaven.”

The Geller and Co.

In the nineties, “Friends” also swept and no more family ties than the Geller siblings. The six protagonists friends only noted for their tontunas so archetypal it was hard not to identify with at least half of them. Natural history of “Seinfeld,” the first series “was not about anything,” became integral players in their highest paid stars, a million apiece and chapter. His unseen depth created school without being overcome.

The Boys in the Island

“Lost” was the ultimate in the birth of the XXI century, a phenomenon series, with fans and even scholars and unknown characters metaliteratura on each other, which in the best case they had passed in time. The concept of cliffhanger , with those end you had a week with a heavy heart, and global premiere of the last episode? Pioneering efforts in Spain were crowned with some chapucilla? returned to broaden horizons rather dreamed of fiction, somo if we rediscovered that the Earth was not flat. At least, that island could move. What us remains to be seen .


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