Wednesday, September 3, 2014

“The golden age of television as a source of entertainment … –

Is the TV dying? It’s the question that launched Ruben Vara, Head Marketing and Digital Hearing Atresmedia during the professional day 2nd analyzing the digital transformation that audiovisual media, organized by the FesTVal The Vitoria Television Festival face.

The answer escapes the pessimism with which, according to Rod, “is trying to kill television as an entertainment medium without much argument.” In fact, in his 15 years at Antena 3, the candidate has lived the transformation process that has led to the tele being mere transmitters, to be a multimedia container available to the user. So Rod is convinced that “the golden age of televison as a source of entertainment and interaction is to come.”

The new platforms, the revolution ‘mobile’, which allows access content from a variety of devices, the second screen, or the ‘Social TV’, “have revolutionized unprecedented when consuming television,” Vara said, but “it is not the first change that has had to television deal that has never been stagnant and has adapted “argues. stock class=”mce” />

The digital revolution, a change in strategy for business

For the professional, the most important fact that must be faced by media companies to tackling this second digital transformation is to be aware that the process requires a change in corporate strategy, “a change that many companies do not face that raises many fears and concerns. ” In this sense Vara recognizes that “hard time breaking with the past”, because the process requires many changes in the processes of production, so it takes into account such as transmedia content when putting a new production of fiction in progress, in the internal organization of the companies themselves, and a continuous review of the market, their models and their investments is essential.

The viewer has gone from being a user to a customer demanded “listen to him”, he explains, “you also want to access content from different devices, which is fast, network-quality digital processing … and that must first take place within the company.” And in this sense adds “if we do not provide the user access to content, continue to do black and white television” concluded Ruben Vara, who sees hybrid TV medium of the future and commitment to keep our eyes open and keep an open mind all technological changes, that occur in a dizzying. stock class=”mce” />


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