Friday, September 19, 2014

Cordoba TV: so are the bowels of an Islamist television … – Digital Journalist

Juan Ramón Osta shared his adventures in Cordoba Television with Radio4G listeners. The journalist was the guest of a new edition of ‘The Burladero’ in ‘Red and Black’.

Cordoba Television, in the words of Osta, belongs to Saudi Sheikh Abdulaziz al Fawzan and “Salafist ideology” .


The presenters have to go with the veil because Salafism means the return to tradition.


commented Osta, who worked a few months in Cordoba Television, which owes its name to the capital of the Caliphate in the tenth and eleventh centuries, but emits at a studio located in San Sebastian de los Reyes (Madrid). Other aspects of their day to day there revealed in the conversation with Alfonso Rojo, Luis Balcarce, Alejandra Alloza and Roberto Marban:


had control over the parts that we edited: the name of Israel could not be said, had to be changed by the Zionist state or the state occupancy


It was careful not to hire atheists or freemasons



There was a Department Contents: could be Spanish, because there are Spanish converts, but it was not the case. There was a chance I took an NGO making magic with cards without knowing the magic and the letters were totally prohibited. You can not promote a game of chance, is contrary to Islam.


Still, the guest ‘The Burladero’ said “good friends” and takes “enriching experience” of an average of many operating in Spain sponsored by regimes that violate human rights , or if it Hispan TV Cordoba TV.


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