Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Television programs most fattening – ecodiario

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A growing amount of research shows an association between television viewing and increased food consumption and sedentary life style. Now, a new study from Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, United States, notes that not all television is equal, but some programs, such as action movies, can lead people to eat twice as much other shows that

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“We found that if a film looks action, snacks that their mouths also have more action, “says lead study author Aner Tal. “In other words, the more distracted the program you are watching, you tend to eat more “, adds the researcher of this study, whose findings are published in The Journal of the American Medical Association: Internal Medicine .

In the study, conducted by experts from Cornell Food and Brand Lab in the United States, 94 college students ate ‘M & Ms’, cookies, carrots and grapes while watching 20 minutes of television programming. A third of participants visualized a segment of the action film ‘The Island’ (‘Island’); a third saw a piece of the talk show ‘The Charlie Rose Show’ and one-third of the participants in the analysis observed the same segment of the movie without sound.

Viewers ‘Island’ ate almost twice as snacks, 98 percent more than those who followed the talk show ,” says co-author Brian Wansink , author of Slim by Design ‘(forthcoming) and professor and director of the’ Cornell Food and Brand Lab ‘. “Even those visualized ‘The Island’ soundless ate 36 percent more,” he adds.

In addition, individuals who participated in this study followed the content more distracting action also consumed more calories: 354 calories consumed by viewers of ‘The Island’ (314 calories in the case of those who they visualized without sound) compared to 215 calories for those who followed ‘The Charlie Rose Show. “The most exciting programs that are fast paced and include many camera cuts really attract and distract from what you are eating. Can cause a person to eat more because you are paying less attention to the amount you are putting in your mouth, “explains Tal. Therefore, programs that involve more viewers could end up being worse for their diets

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