Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Pay television broadcast local broadcast TV signals –

MEXICO CITY (29 / DIC / 2015) .- The Federal Telecommunications Institute (IFT) modified the
 guidelines ” must carry ” which forces companies TV
to broadcast television signals so open
 free for the first privilege local content
 where there is duplication of signals.

‘It is considered that the hearings
 They will be directly benefited by the proposed order and relationship
  the retransmission of a local landmark which can be privileged
 be more consistent and related to their interests, tastes and needs, and
 therefore, the next signal in the proposed order would be that if
 While not belonging to the same location, yes it is the same
 federal entity. Not to give any of these assumptions will be
 indistinct may retransmit the signal, ” explains the adjuster
 document published in the Official Gazette (DOF) .

 guidelines require systems to broadcast pay TV
  the signals of the channels 2, 5, 7 and 13, but, given the existence of
 local signals, businesses TV should include restricted
 signal coverage area.

Changes to the
 guidelines state that ” when there is evidence to double
 substantially dealer Terrestrial Television Networks
 you must first relay the signal to be duplicated
 radiodifunda from any location that is in the same area
  geographical ‘coverage’.

If no duplicate signal
 radiodifunda from any location that is in the same area
  geographical coverage, broadcast television should pay some
 duplicate signal being broadcast from any location that
 is in the same state and whose coverage area
 comprising at least partially the same location.

” If
  none of the above two cases is updated, you can
 retransmit any duplicate signals are broadcast
 in the same geographical area ‘coverage’, says the IFT.

On the other
 hand, mentions that television companies have three
 months to retransmit broadcast television signals after
 they begin to operate.


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