Thursday, November 26, 2015

Radio and television, link between government and citizens: Peña Nieto – CronicaJalisco

 President Enrique Peña Nieto urged the industry of radio and television to disseminate the progress and the positive evolution experienced by Mexico in the last three decades.

After comparing the economic and social situations, policy country in 35 years, stressed that his government has promoted responsibly this transformation, so that Mexico will remain a reliable, attractive and financial stability for the benefit of their families destination.

During the 57 Week Radio and Television, the head of the President said that this sector is a key player in the progress that Mexico is experiencing and which makes possible the link between the government and the citizenry in the daily happenings of the country.

We want society to be aware that Mexico has become a great nation and it works in the way of a promising and hopeful future, he added.

In addition, the federal president thanked the radio industry and its contribution to television continues to consolidate Mexico as a great nation, from what he has achieved, but above all, by promising and hopeful future that looms over the medium and long term.

The Chief Executive stressed that the federal government continues on the path of progress and create greater opportunities for Mexicans.

He stated that his administration has been responsible for maintaining financial stability in a world an environment of volatility and risk aversion.

Considered that sometimes people do not perceive the changes the country has experienced, because they did not live times greater political, social and economic upheaval, and far from value and recognize how Mexico has changed positively.

However, he said that the world recognizes those changes in recent years, so called society to have faith and confidence in our strengths .

The event, held at Expo Bancomer Santa Fe, recalled that 30 years ago the country’s conditions were very different, because the total population, 50 percent was located in urban areas and today reaches 77 percent.

Also, the economically active population doubles he had the beginning of the 80s of the twentieth century, because at present this sector reached 53 million people.

Accompanied by members of his cabinet, heads of media and journalists, emphasized the transformation of democratic institutions, including the National Electoral Institute (INE), which gives certainty to the development of any election.

In this context, Peña Nieto emphasized that there is now a greater political plurality, and exemplified in 1982 put the competing political forces to the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) in the Congress made up 25 percent, while currently holds 58 percent.

He also recalled that in the past, Mexico’s economy depended mainly on the export of raw materials such as oil and mining, while today, more than 63 percent of the wealth comes from manufacturing inputs.

he said that before the change in the global environment, Mexico is better prepared and has more strengths than before, and stressed that trade with the United States went from 33 billion 534 billion dollars.

Peña Nieto also pointed to the benefits of structural reforms that directly impact on benefits for families have been reduced mobile tariffs for fixed telephony services .

Similarly, investments in infrastructure, such as the expansion of the pipeline network coverage across the country, which will be no entity that is not connected to it.

The president stressed that at present is estimated inflation below three percent, while 30 years rates reached 150 percent against the rising prices of commodities.



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