Thursday, July 14, 2016

There are already a million digital television receivers in homes … – CiberCuba

By Jose nacher 40

In the first half the year the Cuban population purchased or received more than one million units for the reception of digital television, as confirmed by official media.

the rise of these receptors in the homes of the island is part of the process change to leave behind the television analog transmission to digital signal. At this time in the country there is a coexistence of both technologies.

In fact the last Census of Population and Housing in Cuba in 2012 recorded a total of three and a half million TVs in Cuban homes. This figure marks the long road needed to carry out the last analogue switch, time from which would be implemented definitively digital technology.

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A leap that can not be delayed too much because, according to experts cited by the Workers website, the ability to maintain both analog and digital broadcasts are reaching the limit, with the current number of TV towers, transformer banks and free airwaves.

in the country there is already a potential coverage to meet the technological needs of 60% of the population of Cuba. In this sense there are provinces that already have almost complete for digital television coverage, although the major difficulties continue in territories such as Villa Clara, Camaguey and Santiago de Cuba.

For specialists remove known areas of silence , areas where no radio or television is not received, is key to advancing the digital process.

also technical notified of the importance of buying multiband antennas, because if receivers are purchased with one often can not access the service of digital television.

Among other advantages, in addition to the high image quality offered by digital television, this technology is much more efficient for the country from the energy point of view, which is estimated at about one third of the consumption of analog television.

(image tvcubana)


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