Pedro Sanchez and its Executive want to stand up to Pablo Iglesias and can on their own ground, in the gatherings. Must need, as has been shown, in all its rawness, the CIS barometer July that delves into the indentation of socialist vote and hovers formation Pablo Iglesias to the third political force in the event that is now celebrasen elections. PSOE leader wants new faces starring change as party copper churn in television space in which Iglesias has popularized its anti-caste discourse. He, so far, has rejected a face to face with each other similar to what Paul has accepted Esperanza Aguirre Churches.
The secretary of the PSOE, César Luena , was yesterday convinced that “comeback” of the Socialists has begun despite the cold water thrown by the last CIS, whose surveys were conducted between 1 and 9 July, in the pre-election of Pedro Sanchez as the new general secretary of the PSOE week. “is an outdated CIS”, said Luena, for whom “matter of time” that “comeback” is a fact, and do not feel .“electoral anxiety” But in that comeback, the television factor will be very important whenever spaces as ‘Four mornings’ , ‘HOT’ or ‘Sixth Night’ have consolidated the leadership of Pablo Iglesias and has been granted a speaker of considerable resonance among the electorate more To the left. If the data memory of the CIS poll of voting intentions intersect, you can view the transfer. 16.9% of those who voted for the PSOE in general think 2011 can now vote, and the voters of the United Left or ICV, this goes up to 26 and 27.8%, respectively. Very striking is also the most retweeted users from the profile @ ahorapodemos are, in this order, and pabloiglesias @ @ mañanascuatro , which demonstrates the crucial role that television plays in the electoral strategy for this match.
In this scenario, Sanchez has informed his team that wants to be active and present in these television spots to be released and to use this new change in front of the main opposition party. The new Secretary General has explained, in this sense, from September want an active and intense opposition both in parliament and on the street , where you want to retune his speech with movements who have shaped social tide against major cuts Rajoy or against proposals such as abortion law reform.
Pablo Iglesias in ‘laSexta Night’. (LaSexta)
Sanchez, meanwhile, has rejected a proposal for a television network to star in a debate with two leading emerging European past. They take their place in the social gatherings narrower its core partners, which include names like the aforementioned Caesar Luena, Antonio Pradas (Politics Federal), Mari Luz Rodriguez ( Employment), Manuel de la Rocha (Economy) or Adriana Lastra (Municipal Politics), among others.
can glimpse the end of bipartisanship
We, meanwhile, we make a “prudent” reading of the last CIS barometer, giving it 15.3 percent of the votes and places him as the third political force and . Speaking to Carolina Bescansa , a sociologist and one of the founders of We, says the survey highlights the crisis of the “parties of the regime” and a “steady erosion” of PP and the PSOE, which demonstrates a profound change in the current party system. In fact, according to the direct vote declared by respondents in the CIS barometer, we can get a really even better than the PSOE, 11.9 of the vote against 10.6 PSOE.
Beyond surveys, the founder of We insists that it has begun a “process of political change” in Spain, shows that 72,000 people have already registered in the party.

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