Saudi spokesman broadcasting eludes criticism ensuring that the correspondent was in a studio in UK
The emergence of a Saudi presenter for the first time in the history of the state television has caused a scandal in the country, which applies a strict interpretation of Islamic law, as reported by the British newspaper ‘The Independent’.
The presenter, who has not been identified, has read a bulletin from London for the television network Al Ejbariya. Although women appear unveiled sporadically in some programs, presenting informative have always dressed ‘hijab’ .
face of criticism unleashed in social networks – you have also published multiple supports the presenter – spokesman of the Saudi broadcaster, the Mughailif Salé, has said that the correspondent was in a UK study. “I was in a studio inside Saudi Arabia , and do not tolerate any violation of our values and systems of the country”, added, in statements to Al Tawasul. Also, Al Mughailif assured that measures are taken to prevent the situation from recurring , in response to criticism by many viewers, as has collected newspaper said.
The country is obligatory for women to dress in “modest”, which involves going to be completely covered, and the staff of the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice (known as ‘morality police’) watch this to be strictly followed. Although King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia has prompted some reforms for education and employment for women, the president is not to create confrontations with the more conservative clerics , which have great weight in political and social life
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The country prevails Wahhabi doctrine, religious current belonging to the Sunni branch of Islam Inspirational on the teachings of Muhammad ibn Abdel Wahab, who formulated an inflexible application of religion based solely on the Quran and ‘Hadith’ (traditions concerning the teachings and actions of the Prophet Muhammad and his followers) and praised jihad violent against internalized. Wahhabism is applied as the state religion – despite being considered almost heretical by many Muslims flows – based on the political-religious union between Abdel Wahab and Al Saud tribe, you would do with the power in the Arabian Peninsula and create the current state.

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