Sunday, January 11, 2015

All television rental – (Argentina)

The TV reminds us every time we are in summer. For if we do not realize after long hours on the street, exposed to the sticky contact with a windchill that insists on staying on top every time we come home and turn on the device a voice tells us, words more said less, which broke the summer.

But in truth that message should be read in reverse of what we are used to. The TV in this case does not issue a command from inside the screen to a putative receptor. Speaks inside. Because you are on vacation is the medium itself.

So accustomed are our TV to the self-referentiality that data is transformed directly into the core of all behaviors. That fatal attraction to the navel-gazing is so irresistible for those who make television in Argentina not put minimal effort during the holidays this year is somewhat natural. You think otherwise, besides incomprehensible, is almost heretical.

So, applying another amazing and inexplicable twist to the priorities that should govern the behavior of a mass medium without written regulations, the TV resolved by decree that the viewer must serve her. And instead of redoubling efforts to accompany those who are lonely and need especially at year end the closeness of those who boast of providing a public service, decided it was time to take a vacation. Who has the right, after an arduous and exhausting annual effort, close all doors and leave the screen for long days on autopilot. Another public service whenever it is challenged by a customer in need of explanations delivery in reply impersonal voice from a tape. “We will contact you shortly,” he lacked say.

The embarrassment was far from culminate in a “celebration” New Year’s screen worn fireworks pictures that God knows what decade and overcome was first issued. An absurdity that was even more evident at the elementary comparison, live and direct, with technical and human deployment exhibited from international channels public and private broadcasters aware of the basic duty that the TV is to celebrate the arrival of the new year close to the people.

Actually, what happened in New Year was the excellent foreword to the first chapter of the book of the year written by our television. A volume that the deployment seen in recent days have written brief and will feature many blanks. Because the majority seems to have not returned from their holidays.

At that only appear blank paper notes scribbled in foreign languages. Perhaps for the first time in the history of our TV air we attended in primetime, a battle waged by the rating between the two leaders channels with two foreign novels like banners. On the side of Telefé, Brazilian Traces of lies . On the side of El Trece, Turkish Arabian Nights . Perhaps the case of a nostalgic return to those times (decades ago) in which programming is reinforced by the most notorious foreign series, now installed in other spaces. Or perhaps the result of a new picture of the situation (low power, lifestyle changes in viewers, new options on other platforms) that baffles the air channels and leaves unanswered. Or rather, no creative spirit.

From another look, a little more optimistic, arguably this kind of openness to the world exposed in the prime time summer is helpful. Always good to take good lessons arrivals from outside when the domestic sphere does not have much to say.

But in truth seems to emerge from this table an admission of unflattering picture of the situation facing local TV let alone learning from mistakes. Missing reflections on the screen is that the medium moves too drowsiness, which makes sense considering the holiday period XL with our TV decided “autopremiarse”. And the most striking picture show the offer today mistakenly called news channels, you really should change its current location within the television types.

Today, these signals function as large samples of variety or miscellaneous as if at some point yearned to blend in essence and purpose with the air channels. In most of them the concept of news is distorted or at least misunderstood, a fact that is evident when it occurs (and of this there are countless examples in the last hours) the dramatic shift traveling nonstop from the tragic streets of Paris to the sparkling beaches of the Atlantic coast of Buenos Aires.

And here again is worth comparing. The slaughter of the weekly Charlie Hebdo occurred on the morning of last Wednesday. That same night, the display of CNN International showed us one of its star reporters, Anderson Cooper, live and from the street, a few meters from the scene of the tragedy, in dialogue with key witnesses. He had taken the first aircraft to be where the news demanded Where are, however, experts in international affairs from local news channels? What tests or evaluations from the fact that the world remains in suspense can be made without rigorous and specialized voices? On local television, conjecture or doubt arises after the most reckless and hasty decision on any matter. Whether it is the most sensitive issue in international politics or the fact of domestic blotter that touches upon public opinion, and which hours of uninterrupted transmission enshrined.

The same happens when the TV, in a daring somersault, leaves us full of doubt about what is happening in Paris and change the question or slogan. Now we have to walk the beaches to ask those who lie if summer encourages infidelity or fill the screen frankly incomprehensible slogans, full of onomatopoeia or abbreviations (“Sabbath to pile and licuadito” said one yesterday). In the broadest sense, our TV is on vacation. .


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