Sunday, January 4, 2015

Ten facts you did not know of Jennifer Aniston –

Jennifer Aniston will always be associated with the role that gave him worldwide fame through the small screen, the Rachel Friends . If it is true, few of his fellow raids in the Central Perk have had much luck in the world of film and Aniston is the only one that has maintained a more or less coherent career. So consistent that could win an Oscar next February for his role in Cake , a woman with a deep depression. You have ten data of the actress who certainly did not know:

# 01 Parents Jennifer Aniston are actors of Greek descent and work in serials TV.

# 02 has only lived a year in Athens, Greece, before moving to Pennsylvania.

# 03 The actress attended a Waldorf school, where freedom of students is total and absolute. At eleven knew I wanted to be an actress.

# 04 Shared classes with Chaz Bono , the son of Cher.

# 05 Like most Hollywood actors, Jennifer worked as a telemarketer and waitress.

# 06 His debut was in a horrific 1993 film called Leprechaun . Is so bad that Aniston considered the possibility of leaving their profession.

# 07 Jennifer Aniston made a first audition for the role of Monica Gellar , not The Rachel Green that finally was awarded.

# 08 The Barber of his famous and imitadísima mane admitted in an interview to be placed marijuana when did.

# 09 was the highest paid actress of television get a million dollars per episode.

# 10 Le terrifies catch planes and fly despite being something to do almost every week.


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