Monday, January 26, 2015

Brussels plans not to create a short-term television … – Sputnik World


(updated 01.26.2015 16:32)

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“can not confirm” he said, referring to the intention of creating a television for Russian speakers in the EU. He said that the project requires time and significant funding, but so far the EU does not have sufficient resources.

He said that Russia invests heavily to cover the events from their point of view and the EU is interested in maintaining the balance communicating real and true facts.

Twenty-eight, said the speaker, considered several options for Russian speakers get access to accurate information on the situation in Ukraine. “In Ukraine it happen events of great concern to the EU,” he said.

The coverage of the Ukrainian conflict by Russian media provoked a storm of criticism from the West, accusing them of distorting reality. Among the most criticized chains is the RT, which broadcasts in Arabic, Spanish and English.

Earlier this month, the foreign ministers of Denmark, Estonia, Lithuania and the United Kingdom proposed to counter the propaganda of Russia a new television for the Russian-speaking minority in the EU.

The Russian Foreign Ministry stated that these plans contradict the principles of freedom of expression.


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