Tuesday, April 28, 2015

“Bergoglio wanted a television without smell sacristy” – Infovaticana

Mideast Pope

July Rimoldi, director and cofounder of Orbe 21 channel with Francisco, tells INFOVATICANA how was it working with Bergoglio and how is called ‘channel Papa’.

“Bergoglio wanted to make a channel for the whole family, interreligious, with values ​​that were not explicitly religious.” Julio Rimoldi, director of Orbe 21 channel, and tells how he started the canal project and Bergoglio he founded in Buenos Aires ten years ago. “Francisco told me ‘I did not want a TV smelling sacristy,” were his exact words, “recalls Rimoldi.

Now the channel premieres programming, which will be of great importance all activities of Pope Francis . “The appointment of Bergoglio as Pope gave an immense Orbe 21, which has been dubbed the channel impulse Pope,” says the founder of the channel while noting that although not want to maintain a religious theme, “what makes Francisco interest not only to Catholics and that is a fundamental part of our programming. “

Rimoldi also ensures Orbe 21 intended to convey values ​​and they” have no creed or religion “and that” not interested a religious, but of values ​​”channel. It also maintains that this is the same approach the Pope, who “continues to maintain a close relationship with the channel”. The two founders of this television was born in the Archdiocese of Buenos Aires continue to be often and talk about the future and relevance of the media.

“The Pope Francis or watch television or use mobile, or used computer, but few people have clarity as he thought about the importance of the media, “said Rimoldi regarding their encounters with the Holy Father. It was the relevance of the media, explains Rimoldi, which prompted the then archbishop of Buenos Aires, turn around a television channel, which apparently did not want to “religious temáticamante” out but mainly “humanistic and interfaith that everyone could see “.

Known as” Papa channel “exploits now the figure of Francisco, which Rimoldi says” has less to do with faith, but with a message that is addressed to all ” . The director of Orbe 21 is also satisfied channel development: “If I had the gift of divination, and had told Bergoglio that within ten years he would Papa and I would be presenting this channel in Madrid I would have locked up in an asylum. ”


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