Thursday, April 9, 2015

Lousteau and Ocaña debated on television – ARG News

The candidates for head of city government by the alliance Energy Citizens Organized (ECO) Martin Lousteau and Graciela Ocaña Wednesday staged the first debate towards the primary elections of April 26 and showed its nuances to mark the criticism of PRO management.

In addition to Lousteau and Ocaña, who hold a shared past as a former Ministers of the Kirchner administration, participated in the debate Andrés Borthagaray an architect who will add to the primary on behalf of radicalism capital.

In the debate issued by the A Two Voices (TN) Borthagaray stood as a candidate “without great economic apparatus, but with enthusiasm,” while Lousteau said that since its space have “serious differences with PRO” but recognize “what is done” and said that “out of where we are trapped must be able to positively vote.”

Meanwhile, Ocaña described himself as a former official who proved that “if there is the political decision” can do well, and called for “a government that puts citizens and no fights or party interests”. One of the hot spots debate arose following a complaint from Lousteau about the PRO spent “two million pesos per day on advertising”, to which Borthagaray said “are criticized” the value that goes to the pattern advertising nationally but “in the City got it.”

Meanwhile, Ocaña defended the actions of its management as Health Minister Kirchner on advertising, and stated that its mandate “never” used “public funds for publicity.”

“We went down the ‘stick’ of what we demand, and what we should do is re-raise,” said Lousteau, although stressed that the PRO “meets deadlines of promised works”, which is something that “we must maintain.”

Meanwhile, Ocaña said the dispute macrismo and that “while the PRO internal debate whether Macri prefers Horacio (Rodríguez Larreta) or Gabriela (Michetti) “space is” discussing the problems of the people. “

In terms of health Ocaña said “no to innovate but to continue the management” of macrismo, while the economist considered that this point is “the worst” that made the city government because “did nothing but simply given what was” and disagreed with the former Minister of Health in holding that must be “refounding” in this area. Regarding transportation, Ocaña said that “Metrobus is not a revolution” because “it does not work like in other countries,” while Lousteau doubled the bet and stated that generates “anger” that “we are backward” and that “we should be proposing solutions, not copying “measures opted from other countries.

With regard to the area of ​​ social development, Lousteau said the PRO had” double quote “than previous efforts and “8 years” to resolve, but “did not” because “management is doing things the right priorities” Finally, referred to the problem of garbage, what Lousteau said are “millionaires contracts concession so irregular “while Ocaña said that” is still tying to the City to old suppliers “because it is” a negotiated for some. “

Note that attended the debate regarding the Civic Coalition Elisa Carrio; MP and candidate for deputy government wishlist Martín Lousteau, Fernando Sánchez; the radical leader Luis Brandoni; and candidate for first legislator ECO, Roy Cortina, among others.


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