While several television networks aimed at US Hispanics are trying to increase their presence in social networks and online platforms, an analysis adds fuel to the fire by stating that the Hispanic youth are leaving the TV and changing it to their smartphones.
An analysis of nScreen Media ensures that between the first quarter of 2014 and 2015 television viewing Traditional decreased by 13% in the group of 18-24 years of age, and 10% for 12-17, while only in the over 50 increased the consumption of television, according to Nielsen viewing figures.
And there is a clear target for all these viewers: so-called second screens, which are already, in many cases, the principal. Hispanic youth (18-34) saw 15% more video on their smartphones between 2014 and 2015. Younger Millennials increased their consumption by 37 minutes more and the highest in 22 minutes.
But the mobile video is not carried all losing television. Among Hispanics 18-24 years increased by 34% the time spent with mobile and web applications (16 hours per month) in the past year. In total, used more than 62 hours a month in interacting with applications and websites from their phones.
It is not the first time Hispanic Millennials are pointing to as the spearhead of mobile consumption in the US. Compared with other ethnic groups, Hispanics use the web and mobile applications an average of 9 hours and 54 minutes a week, while blacks use them for 8 hours and 14 minutes Asian Americans for 7 hours and 39 minutes. Similarly, video consumption in smartphone among Hispanics is much higher than in other groups.

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