Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Is there a youth television in Mexico? – Millennium Group –

Suddenly some people say to me. Alvaro, young people no longer watch television, hate, them only interested in the Internet

Why, if this is true there are so many powerful companies as Disney fortunes investing in the production of programs for them?

Disney is not stupid, if something can do they are business. So?

Could it be that in this game of “let’s all say” so popular on social networks, many people with catastrophic spirit, who enjoy inventing myths and predicting the end of the TV?

The fight is not that but some fools who swallow all this, starting with the workers of the Mexican television industry, and the result is terrible then appear.

Why do you think that many of our best brands are not doing programs for guys?

Why do you think that the few concepts that were being made, such as The CQ , they are canceling?

Why do you think, again, the only thing that is running in this sense, are titles such as Acapulco Shore , Turnocturno and rough Zone

Because there walk a few analysts who, presumably, are studying social networks.

The little detail is that they take too literally everything in and, with it, in this business there is much foolishness, eager to wash, to destroy.

Young people are the most powerful public our planet, the most urgent need of content of all kinds, the most consumed.

What you will not be doing fairly suspect that increasingly less work for them?

You will not worry that, when recording something Youth , with few exceptions, it is for guys but since 1985?

We have to do something, especially from the perspective of the television. Something like what? Back to the Same, something like what makes Disney

Look, I’ll give an example that I’m very touched. Disney Channel premiered last Monday in its evening bar, a comic series titled Agent KC .

What’s it about? First, black. Then a high school girl, pretty stupid, ending turned into international spy.

In the middle we have action scenes, of fever , dance, special effects, the home, school, an auditorium and even a bathroom.

Why I am describing all this as well? Right now I will understand.

For starters, blacks do not exist in the dramatized television in this country. Moreover, even there the dark.

The most tight that we make table are faces like Esmeralda Pimentel who, incidentally, has green eyes.

Then, if put someone proposed a high school girl, would analyze 94 different committees for the boba not see that, “What kind of example would that be for the Mexican youth? What kind of values ​​would be promoting? “

” Oh, no, if it is a girl who is very clever, or very virginal, or very feminist! It whatever, but that is positive. “In short, since the matter was fucked.

No, but Wait, is the best. “Spies? ¿Spies on Mexican television? “

” Of course not! Maybe they are angry at Interior, maybe they misunderstand the authorities, maybe advertisers are scared. “

” No, prohibited the spies. Better than the star of this project, as a good teenager, have fights with their math tests, engaged in sewing, to makeup. Never espionage “.

” Action scenes? No, that would advocate violence. Take them out! “

” sequences of fever ? How you think! No! People will scare! Parents will claim! Better than the girl of this story dreams of being a princess and draw hearts in their notebooks. Yes “.

” Dancing? ¿Dancing in a sitcom? No time or to try it, let alone burn. Removed it! And if it is very necessary to improvise there first thing that comes to mind. “

” Special effects? Ask yourself anything in front of a green screen, as did Chespirito, period. No resources for more. “

What does the list of scenarios? With the home, school, the hall, the bathroom and everything else? What would that say about Mexican television?

“There is no money. You do it all in one stage and hurry because we will use the forum for a sketch magazine program “.

Already understand where the issue goes? We ourselves are boycotting, censoring. So we leave things as they come to us.

While companies like Disney never cease to amaze us with his youthful productions, here treat the kids under a shabby, outdated schemes and I would say even hypocritical.

Look Agent KC Disney Channel, gócela, compare it to what we do in Mexico and critique. Only then can we get out of this rut. Only so!


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