Monday, November 17, 2014

Fabiola Martinez: “I wish I could do something on TV” – ecodiario


Image: Europa Press

Thrilled with the help they are getting to launch through its Foundation, Fabiola Martinez used all the free time that leaves his son Kike to help other parents in your same situation. The success of the workshops for parents who are performing have to think out a way to get to help more people and is considering making the leap to television, if all goes well we might be able to see it on the small screen with a new project in his hands.

Are you here today to transmit a message of solidarity …

Yes, we want to encourage people this Christmas to give them your children a Kiconico, is a teddy bear with imperfections that seeks to convey to children that beauty is on the inside, it is a symbol of Imaginarium. This year we have drawn in red and each bear that sells the brand will donate five dollars to the Association Microtia Spain, which works to help sufferers of microtia, a congenital malformation that affects the face and especially the right ear and Federation for Rare Diseases (ERDF).

How are presented this year’s Christmas at your house?

Always a mess stand at attention, now we’re all very scattered and families grow increasingly more. We always try to get together but there is no exact day, we improvise. Everything depends on the job you have Bertin, has promised us that if we sold the farm a family trip together.

Would you sell it is costing so much? Lot

There are many proposals of interested people but is a sale that is not done in the overnight, are the ones that add up. People think that because there is a crisis everyone is desperate and sell at any price and that is not our case. Is valuable as a house but not the typical farm pasture has to appear someone besotted her.

Also want to buy another …

Yes, Bertin field without death. She has found that she loves in Ciudad Real and would not like to lose. I like too, when not away without contact with the world I’ll be happy because I want to work, see my friends.

Are the problems you have with finances you are hurting in this regard?

I do not think, most of the proposals we have received are from foreign buyers. I’m not a very bitter person, I try to sleep quiet and think only of what is in my hands. What we have in mind organizing ourselves to not affect us too much but we went ahead.

What you have now in hand?

I wish I could do something on TV, I related to my work at the Foundation, I’m trying to find a way that allows me to bring all that to people.

Who kitchen when all come together?

We are all quite stoves, we love to go into the kitchen. The boys are confined to offer drinks.

Do you see Bertin in politics?

No, it says on TV, heard on the street but can not be political because it does not hold anything, not tempered or diplomat. He is an honest man but very visceral, it is carried away.

How do you see the boom are having games can?

I worry a lot, I love my homeland but I consider myself very Spanish, twenty-one years I’ve been here since Spain affects me even if my whole family in Venezuela. What worries me is that so began the Chavez government, people were very disappointed and so I believed him when he sold everything he said but did not explain how he would do. I wonder how they will do it because it’s not easy, you have to open your eyes a lot.

Can you at this time as Bertin people who say things clearly they are needed?

Bertin speaks highly of those things but then it is difficult to materialize. You can not do it alone and organize it, because if it were possible there would be so many corrupt politicians. I do not believe that all politicians are corrupt but if within your equipment is a rotten apple and identify how, before you exit do not know and that’s where it is tricky. A Bertin colarían many because it happens with some friends.

But you’d be there to watch …

Yes, I’m terrible, a witch. (Laughs)

Some living very comfortable with Bertin saw the suitcase in the door quickly …

So I’m bad, but that was not my fault, I did not put the suitcase in the door to anyone, over the years will see who is for real and who is not.

You include him?

I would put the fly behind the ear, I speak clearly and he always tells me that I am always with the same. But over time I have to give the reason.

Is there a grandson who has come to Grandpa?

Valentina dance, sing, some necklaces and heels looks it gets. Makes good match with Carlos, who once asked me to record it to send it to their cousins.

None of the daughters of Bertin has taken his artistic streak …

Claudia has always had that streak of wanting to do something but he always has instilled a career studying and removed.

Who will be the next to raise a family?

I fixed that no, I guess it’s up to Eugenia.

Still Claudia with her boyfriend?

Yes, Santi is like family to us.


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