Saturday, June 4, 2016

Less than one year dies by a falling TV – The

In an unfortunate accident he passed away a girl ± to just 1 year ± or age after fall on your body a television at the time that the child walked inside his house that is located in the Bellavista neighborhood.

the lower perdió life while attention was receiving me © dica, who died as a result of serious injuries that presentó in his skull.

it was around 14:30 pm when they alerted the line emergency in the clinic Social Security they’d entered a child ± a with head injuries after an accident.

Personal me © doctor of the hospital tried to stabilize the lower but after a few minutes of being served dejó to exist according to information from municipal authorities.

Relatives of the child ± to mentioned that the child ± a was walking inside the house when the place is aproximó where it was the television which unfortunately fell on his body resulting in fatal consequences.


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