Saturday, June 11, 2016

Susana Gimenez told details about his return to television – Clarí

It’s all ready for comeback in Telefe Susana Gimenez , the great diva of TV (it is presumed that the first program will be on July 3 ). “I return to the air. It will be a very tough year because Sunday there is a lot of competition,” said the driver in dialogue with “Polino Authentic”, the program of Radio Mitre leading Marcelo Polino.

Through a telephone communication, Sú lives with expectation his return, although he knows that El Trece, with its programming, will give fight on Sunday night with the new strip will star Adrian Suar ( “Silencing of Family”) and the return of Jorge Lanata with “Journalism for All”. However, the diva remains on the sidelines: “I do not like to fight for the rating”

Susana also revealed details about the contents of the new cycle. “As every year there will be games, joy, skecths, guests. It’ll be great. ” The driver also included in the same interview was still surprised with the long history that managed to be the No. 1 TV. “I was moved so fast the years that sometimes I tell my production ‘? What happened why 29 years’”.

Susana Gimenez.

In 2015, after a successful theater season with “Piel de Judas”, the diva made only one television special year-end, with its classic format program. But this year, Susana will be devoted entirely to television: “The theater work is divine but it is a sacrifice Go every day of your life and do the same thing you’re cold, hoarseness He’s very brave..”

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