Tuesday, February 18, 2014

The VOD gaining ground on the traditional - The World

VOD, one in which the viewer can choose what you want to watch and when, is gaining ground in countries where such offers has greater penetration and United States, although the traditional TV , with linear programming, remains the most consumed , according to research from Nielsen.

Thus, in the United States, consumption of TV content on demand, through mobile devices or computer, in 2013 increased almost two hours , up to 13 hours per person per month, while traditional TV consumption decreased by three hours a month, according to the study.

Despite these changes the domain of traditional television programming with a fixed chosen by the directors of the chains and not by viewers continues unchallenged, with an average consumption of 134 hours per person per month.

This increased demand television in the United States has run in parallel to increase digital devices in homes . According to the study, most U.S. households have HDTVs, a computer connected to the Internet and a smartphone , while half have consoles and digital recording systems.

habits have also changed. 84% of smartphone owners or tablets say they use their devices as second screen while watching television to discuss their favorite shows, share videos or perform other of the multiple possibilities offered by technology.

According to another report from Deloitte on the prospects for the media this year, boom of the alliance formed by mobile devices and television continue this year, with a sales forecast smartphones , tablets, PCs, TVs and above the 750,000 million consoles in 2014, more than 50,000 million in 2013 and nearly double that in 2007.

increased sales of mobile devices will be produced by the increase of two closely related markets with television: payment platforms and sports rights market. As for the former, Deloitte predicts that by the end of 2014 more than 50 million households worldwide will have two or more subscriptions to different pay-TV platforms.

addition, 10 million households will receive premium TV content in addition to other services such as Internet access. While on the price of sports rights , it is expected an increase of 14% compared to 2013, bringing this market will be at a value of 24,200 million.

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