Shanghai (China), June 15 (EFE) .- The Chinese e-commerce giant Alibab prepares the launch, within two months of service VOD online that aspires to be a “Netflix (Xetra: 552 484 – News) Chinese”.
As recorded today the official newspaper “China Daily”, the new platform will be called TBO (for “Tmall Box Office” ), and Alibaba itself acknowledges that try to be like Netflix and HBO firms.
The contents offered by this route will be both productions bought in China and abroad as creations of the company itself (such and how does the US network HBO), so it will aim to become the leading supplier in the emerging market for servers Internet TV at home.
Although Chinese viewers are not used to pay for TV content, the emergence of Internet is changing consumer habits of the younger generation, which has led other Chinese tech giants to launch similar platforms.
In China have already services rivals such as Tencent Alibaba (with Tencent Video) and Baidu search engine (with iQiyi) plus portals like and the Corporation of Information Technology Leshi Internet (LeTV).
However, unlike what happens with these portals, about 90 percent of the contents of OBT will pay.
“Our mission, and the mission of every Alibaba, is redefining entertainment at home, “she said Patrick Liu, president of digital entertainment division of Chinese firm”. Our goal is to become something like what is or what is HBO Netflix in the US “
The decision to create TBO coincides with the announcement of Netflix it is in talks with several content distributors in China to finding the right formula that allows it to reach the huge Eastern market, subject to censorship laws in both television and . Internet
On the other hand, Alibaba had last year also acquired a stake of 16.5 percent in Youku Tudou (NYSE: YOKU – News), the leading online video platform country (often described as the “Chinese YouTube”), and so far it is unclear whether the company will have some kind of relationship or not the TBO project.
The announcement of this project Alibaba also added, This weekend, two other strategic alliances to develop its online trading platform in digital entertainment products, Yulebao, who just turned one year (after the success of their platform investments online, Yuebao).
On the one hand, the company Shanghainese Yoozoo is co-financing with Yulebao (a system combining small investments of thousands of users, which is known worldwide as “crowfunding”) the production of a film called “The Three Body “in English.
Yulebao invested 510 million yuan to finance Chinese films in 2014 (72.9 million euros, 81.8 million dollars), with which contributed to 8 percent of box office receipts of Chinese cinema during the year.
On the other hand, he also signed an agreement with the Hong Kong TVB television to help increase its circulation in China and Taiwan.

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