“It’s a slap to the Swiss Society of Radio and Television (SSR)! The radio and TV fee drops to 462-400 francs and despite this, the Swiss narrowly accept the law, “the Blick, the most popular newspaper in Switzerland.
The Geneva newspaper, Le Temps, indicates that “the campaign on the vote on the Law of Radio and Television (LRTV) will leave its mark. The incredibly close result shows that the mission of public media literally divided the population in two. The Ticino, distinguished by his vote against, and the Grisons, who shyly accepted the law, show that the debate recently looked at the defense of minority cultures and regions in Switzerland (…) The vote appears as an orange light, preventive, for the SSR, which benefits most from canon. The fact that a mandate of public service does not mean that their work can not be questioned and debated regularly. Even during a voting technique it should, in principle, easily have happened.
“The SRG should save now,” headlines the comment of Der Bund, Bern: “On this ‘Yes’ can not rejoice national radio and television. The result is too close to a canon that practically reduces their actual cost and, just for that reason, should be popular (…) In the German-speaking part of Switzerland and Ticino (italófono), reflecting prevailing against anything that looks like a new tax. (…) Nevertheless, the SSR should pay attention: it is anchored in the population less than it should. Pretend that nothing happened is inadequate after that results in the polls. “
Notorious was the fact that yesterday the Ticinese (52%) opposed the law on radio and television that allows them to have two TV stations and three radio broadcasts in Italian.
“The most advantage of the SSR say ‘no’,” says Der Bund. “No region of the country as massively exploits the SSR as the Italian side: pay only 4.5% of total costs of public service broadcasting, while the Italian Swiss Radio Television receives 20% of the money And this thanks to the contribution of the German-speaking part of Switzerland, which pays significantly more. than it used 200 million francs pumped across the Gotthard (that is, to say the Ticino) “
The Tribune de Genève indicates.” I closed yesterday’s result proves the need for a deep reflection on the role of public media with the arrival of the Internet. It also shows the existence, in a part of the population, a strong distrust “towards the SSR, which is regarded as a ‘mammoth’, big and not without bureaucracy.
For the Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ), Zurich, the SSR will face increasingly strong headwinds and remember that a popular initiative sought purely and simply abolishing the canon of public service audiovisual, and has good chances of getting the 100 000 signatures necessary to get to the polls.
But even if the NZZ considered unlikely that the people decide suppress SSR, “a difficult debate It expected in the context of the renegotiation of the concession “the mandate of public service which now has the SSR and expires in 2017.
Meanwhile, Le Matin claims a previous campaign of exaggerated violence. “The apparatus of the UDC (left-right) at the head and the press did not cease to strike against the public service and its mission, while these were not directly involved in the issue at stake,” says the newspaper Lausanne .
In the German-speaking part of Switzerland, the campaign against the SSR was openly discussed by the online journal Südostschweiz.ch: “One of the wildest vote campaigns in the history of the federal state almost It worked. (…) The Union Switzerland Arts and Crafts (USAM), and above all, destructive arguments of its director Hans-Ulrich Bigler, with its misinformation could have scored close the door on a law that reduces the cost of canon for radio and TV “.
Another point of great value in Switzerland, to be worthy of reflection mentions La Liberté of Fribourg. solidarity mechanisms between the linguistic regions of the country” What He founded the Swiss genius, already affected on several fronts (learning national languages, relations with the EU …) would be shaken again by a coalition of political selfishness and nationalism. Thus, the end of the golden age of the SSR then coincide with a further decline of the cohesion of the country. “

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