4 million 600 thousand parents that exist in Chile, 70% said they were happy with their life. The percentage is high when compared with 72% of happiness declaring men without children, according to a survey of GFK Adimark.
In addition, other interesting results, the study shows that 81% of these parents are happy watching television. Mauro Basaure, school professor of Sociology at the Universidad Andrés Bello and researcher at the Center for the Study of Conflict and Social Cohesion (Coes), said in an interview with La Tercera, the parent is involved in some of these activities but most care, cleaning is still in women. “Men are more focused on the area of recreation, get out and play with the kids,” he adds.
But the figures indicate that the role of the mother is still more powerful than the father, until his day, more celebrated (80% versus 68%). Basaure says that this is another example of the type of work, care, closeness and commitment with mothers with their children and that tends to be rewarded.
Another aspect revealed Adimark GFK study, it is that men today are parents or not, are able to compete with women when preening before going to work.
In this regard, issues of beauty, Adimark study indicates that 49% of Chilean men use perfume, a 11% face cream, an exfoliating products 3% and 1% on makeup.
José Miguel Ventura, commercial manager of the consulting firm, notes that this is a trend that came to Chile a few years ago, but other African countries as Argentina, Brazil and Colombia have already experienced.
“This phenomenon can be seen in how they have enlarged male spaces in supermarkets and pharmacies. What we are seeing is that there is less fear of telling. Perhaps before made them before but they did not say, “said Ventura.

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