In this newspaper interview published last week, in addition to making their vision of the sector’s problems, the official acknowledged the perception that people have of that entity. According to her “the ANTV is invisible”
It is not simply a matter of image. The truth is that the three long years of history have been unfortunate enough ANTV. Not so much for what he has done an entity which is little- or has not done which is enough-, but by congenital institutional weakness, thanks to the law that gave it life and the absence of a policy on television industry in Colombia, precisely at the most critical moment in its history.
The ANTV must go beyond simply raise more money from TV operators to use it to the end of doubtful social return. Hopefully the National Television Board (JNTV) allow the good intentions of the new principal are made.
In this interview the new official announces that at the end of the year a bill would be presented to define policy public television. That law would achieve several objectives: to define the responsibilities between ANTV and the Telecommunications Regulatory Commission, address the ambivalence of the government against the ANTV, remedy the heterogeneity and incompetence of most members and reiterate that JNTV purpose of the system of assigning spaces Channel One media pluralism is not the return of those who want to turn-by the back door in the third channel
About. in ANTV is ongoing a bidding process to hire for just over a year auditing the concession contracts television service in its various forms. Its amount exceeds $ 11,000 million, apparently had a single proponent and the addendum to the tender documents will greatly improve the future profitability contractor, for justification relieves their obligations. There are several questions and complaints. This process can not be also-invisible.

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