20th Century Fox launches a new TV spot Fantastic Four . The famous family of Marvel is shown ready to end any threat that comes to earth. The film, directed by Josh Trank, is scheduled to premiere next August 21 .
A premiere on the big screen always carries a great marketing campaign, an idea that seems to be clear at the offices of Century Fox, because in just four days -curiosa chance- have launched two television spots Fantastic Four.
A new generation of heroes has arrived. See #FantasticFour in theaters August 7. https://t.co/Dhndqb5SAC
– Fantastic Four (FantasticFour) June 29, 2015
The video is about 30 seconds long, serves to show what stuff they are made new components of the famous family: Miles Teller who will play Mr. Fantastic (Whiplash); Kate Mara , in the role of The Invisible Woman (House of Cards); Michael B. Jordan , Human Torch in the film (Chronicle) and Jamie Bell , responsible for playing The Thing (Billy Elliot). Furthermore, in the role of Dr. Death, famous villain of Marvel, will be Toby Kebbell (RocknRolla)

The film will be a radical face wash brand, aiming for a more serious approach, as indicated by the official synopsis that can read below:
Fantastic Four is a current revision of the classic Marvel superhero team. Four young misfits are teleported to a dangerous alternate universe, giving them strange powers. When their lives change dramatically and irremediable, must learn to control their new skills and teamwork to save the world from an old friend who now has become a formidable enemy.
Josh Trank, director of Chronicle, is responsible for directing Fantastic Four to success on 21 August, a difficult task that has had the help of Simon Kinberg (X-Men: Days of Future Past), who in addition to writing the screenplay is also producer of the film.
And do not miss …

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