Negative effects of television viewing hours. Photo: Getty Images
Too much time watching television, like what causes using the computer for a long period, collaborates with the appearance of various chronic diseases and health complications of people <. /> p>
One of the diseases associated with watching too much television is type 2 diabetes Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh in the United States have found that for every hour television against the risk of dementia increases by 3, 4%. In turn that habit is also related damage to the arteries, since flexibility is lost in them can generate heart disease in the future. The lack of arterial elasticity is the way to have other health complications such as hypertension. While sleeping with the television is linked with an increased risk to suffer from depression. Researchers at the University of Ohio in the United States explains that the light of the television while we sleep alters the production of melatonin, the hormone that regulates sleep.
In the case of children, the risk of watching TV more than 8 hours a week and sleep less than 10 hours a day increased by 50% the risk of obesity. While a recent study has revealed that spending more than two hours a day watching television increases by 30% the risk of hypertension in younger and this increases to 50% in the case also do not exercise. “The scientific evidence indicates that physical activity is a potent vasodilator, which increases the rate of oxygenation of the heart and in turn lowers blood pressure,” said the lead researcher, F. de Moraes.
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