Greek, Greek
We are at a critical moment regarding the future of this country.
Sunday’s referendum is not about who is left behind or our country the euro zone. This is a fact and no one can challenge it.
On Sunday we choose if the deal is accepted or rejected directly, given the popular verdict, find a viable solution.
In any case I want to assure the Greek people that the government’s firm intention to reach an agreement with its partners, in terms of sustainability.
Already after our decision on the referendum fell on the table top debt proposals and its necessary restructuring, which had until Friday.
Preventing fall, we presented our counterproposals calling for a viable solution, and for this reason, yesterday convened an extraordinary way Eurogroup will discuss again this afternoon.
If there is a positive reply immediately. In any case, the Greek Government is still on the table and will continue until the end. And on Monday, after the referendum, we will be better able to Greeks.
Because always the popular verdict is much stronger than the will of a government.
And I want to reiterate that the democratic vote is at the center of European traditions.
In very important moments in the history of Europe, people in referendums has taken important decisions.
This happened in France and in many other countries in the referendum on the Constitution. This happened in Ireland, where a referendum temporarily stopped the Lisbon Treaty and took renegotiation. Ireland achieved better conditions.
Unfortunately, in the case of Greece there are other standards.
We never expected of democratic Europe who did not understand the need to give space and time to a people to choose their future.
The imposition of the most extreme conservatives led to the decision to smother Greek banks. With the obvious intention of making all citizens pay blackmail the government.
It really is unacceptable in a Europe of solidarity and mutual respect that these images of shame occur.
Close to banks, just because the government decided to call on the people.
And mistreat thousands of seniors that the government, despite the financial crisis, took care and ensured that your pension were paid normally in their accounts.
These people owe them an explanation. Month struggle to protect their pensions. To protect their right to a decent pension.
And we did blackmail to sign the big reduction of pensions.
And so we said no.
why will come.
The Greek Government was given an ultimatum to implement all outstanding issues of the memorandum.
And even without any provision for debt and finance.
We do not accept the ultimatum.
The obvious way out was to transfer them to people because democracy has no dead spots.
And what we do.
I am well aware that these are difficult times.
We did ask blackmail say yes to all the measures required by creditors without any accompaniment from the crisis.
They wanted us to say yes to everything, be like them, accomplices in the perpetuation of the memoranda.
On the other hand, NO is not simply a slogan.
NO is a decisive step for a better deal we intend to be signed immediately after the result Sunday.
It is the clear choice of the people on how to live the next day.
NO does not mean rupture with Europe, but return to the Europe of values.
NO means a strong pressure for a deal economically viable to resolve the debt, to redress the Greek economy and society.
It does not mean strong pressure for a socially fair, which will allocate the burden on the “rich” rather than employees and retirees.
An agreement that will result in a short time the country return to international financial markets in order to end the supervision and protection.
An agreement containing the reforms to punish once and for all who have benefited all these years the political system.
And while that addresses humanitarian crisis, to create a comprehensive safety net for those who are currently marginalized precisely because these policies were applied in our country these years.
Greek, Greek
I am fully aware of the difficulties.
I agree personally I will do everything in my power to make these difficulties are temporary.
Some insist to link the results of the referendum to stay in the euro countries.
They say, indeed, that I have a hidden agenda, if adopted not to pull the country out of the EU.
knowingly lie.
Also, you know, a year ago I went candidate to head the European Commission in the European elections.
And I said that the austerity policies should abandoned, the memos are not the way out of the crisis. And that Europe should stop seem undemocratic.
A few months later, in January 2015, our people confirmed this analysis.
Unfortunately, some in Europe still refuse to admit it.
Those who want a Europe mired in authoritarianism, have inability to respect democracy, they are those who want Europe a superficial association attached to the IMF.
Are the politicians incapable of thinking as Europeans.
Beside, there are Greek games, having brought the country to bankruptcy, now want to want to get rid of that stone.
They talk of a coup state. But is democracy, but not a coup, creditor governments themselves practice it.
Greek, Greek,
With all my heart I thank you for sobriety and composure that demonstrate each When this difficult week.
I want to assure you that this situation will not continue for long.
It’s temporary.
The salaries and pensions will not be lost.
The deposits of citizens who chose not evade their money abroad will not be lost for blackmail.
I assume personal responsibility for a solution just after the referendum.
At the same time, urge you to strengthen this negotiating effort, I invite you to say no to the recipes of the memoranda that destroy Europe.
I invite you to respond positively to the prospect of a solution lasting.
To open a glorious page of democracy. And a sure hope for a better deal.
It is our responsibility to our parents, our children, for ourselves.
It is our duty to history.
Thank you

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